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Dinadan Palmer ([info]sonoftheatom) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
As he crawls out of the ear piece and starts to grow again, it occurs to Dinadan that he probably should have grabbed some of his States-side clothes instead of a clean set of what he wore in New Morlaidh. Oh well, it's not like Jai hasn't seen him in less. And maybe the fact that the lack of shirt makes it obvious that Dinadan doesn't have a huge scar on his chest from the encounter with Jai-when-he-was-dead would make the situation less awkward on Jai's end.

This is ultimately why Jai is now faced with one of his childhood friends dressed in nothing but a loincloth, boots, and an Atom-belt. Dinadan hops off the edge of the table and suddenly completely fails at figuring out what he wants to say first. That he's glad Jai's not dead anymore? That he doesn't blame Jai for what happened, even if he's freaked out? That he has no idea why he's apparently the only one still freaked out and can Jai help him? That he's not even sure why he bothered getting up to "human" size because he always feels short anyway? Yeah, no. Complete inability to put his thoughts in order.


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