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Dinadan Palmer ([info]sonoftheatom) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-02 18:15:00

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Facing Down the Phone (closed)
After his talk with Petra, Dinadan started seeing a therapist. It's helped. He'll probably be able to go back to school in the fall and sit in a classroom without having a panic attack. He's just not sure he wants to.

It's important to his dad that he finish high school and go to college. And he's enjoyed school, enjoyed his time in the states, enjoyed meeting his dad's friends and befriending their kids. He likes his relationship with Petra, even if it's weird because he's still not feeling right. But after today...he's wondering if he ought to throw in the towel and change his focus to New Morlaidh, permanently.

Dinadan strides through the palace toward the room where they keep the telephone. There are a lot of people he'll need to talk to if he decides not to go back to Ivy Town in September, but right now he needs to talk to someone that he hasn't spoken to in a long while.

He dials the Park-West family's phone number and listens, pulse pounding, to the tinny sound of ringing.

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