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gorilla_fanboy ([info]gorilla_fanboy) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-07-31 01:56:00

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Current location:Congo Basin, Outside Gorilla City
Current mood: curious
Entry tags:inactive - orgovar

Human in the Mist
 Orgo was never one to remain cooped up in Gorilla City, no matter how much Uncle Nnamdi pressured him to do so. Orgo wanted to see the world outside the city. The world his adoptive father, Sam, told him so much about. But most of all, he wanted to see the legendary superheroes. He was but a boy when the Justice League had saved Gorilla City from one of Grodd's attempts to conquer it. He couldn't get them out of his mind since. He wanted to know more about these unique beings..but he'd never know much beyond the information in the city's computer archives. 

For now Orgovar would just have to content himself with observing the nearby humans. Mentally compel poachers to go away, convince drillers to go elsewhere, basic GC protection protocols. With his grandfather's death, Uncle Nnamdi was determined to remain apart from the human world. Orgo believed he knew better. Humanity was ever-expanding. Gorilla City couldn't hide forever. He sighed, no use dwelling on it. He went about his patrol.

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2011-08-04 03:06 am UTC (link)
Jed laughs, then attempts to defend his reasoning. "Well, a gorilla with clothing, that's Weird Stuff. To be dealt with or ignored, depending. Whereas a gorilla without clothes, the average American's going to figure there's a dangerous wild animal who can't be reasoned with. But let's head out."

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2011-08-04 07:54 pm UTC (link)
"A fair point," Orgo stated. He nods. "Very well then, Jed Walker." Orgo takes a final look back home before he negotiates his way into the jet. Deciding Jed's idea couldn't hurt, he begins to put on the clothes.

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2011-08-07 04:44 am UTC (link)
And off they go.

"So... telepathy, huh?" Jed asks conversationally.

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2011-08-07 05:00 am UTC (link)
"Yes, most of my people have it to one degree or another. Though most of us only possess rudimentary ability. I am a bit more powerful than the average gorilla in that regard." There's no arrogance or bragging in his tone, just being factual. "Even when not actively probing someone's mind, I can pick up glimpses of surface thoughts. It's still considered rude though to read someone's mind without permission though."

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2011-08-07 05:20 am UTC (link)
"That's understandable. I don't know anything about telepathy, but it stands to reason someone's not always going to be comfortable with something or someone else in their head."

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