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gorilla_fanboy ([info]gorilla_fanboy) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-07-31 01:56:00

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Current location:Congo Basin, Outside Gorilla City
Current mood: curious
Entry tags:inactive - orgovar

Human in the Mist
 Orgo was never one to remain cooped up in Gorilla City, no matter how much Uncle Nnamdi pressured him to do so. Orgo wanted to see the world outside the city. The world his adoptive father, Sam, told him so much about. But most of all, he wanted to see the legendary superheroes. He was but a boy when the Justice League had saved Gorilla City from one of Grodd's attempts to conquer it. He couldn't get them out of his mind since. He wanted to know more about these unique beings..but he'd never know much beyond the information in the city's computer archives. 

For now Orgovar would just have to content himself with observing the nearby humans. Mentally compel poachers to go away, convince drillers to go elsewhere, basic GC protection protocols. With his grandfather's death, Uncle Nnamdi was determined to remain apart from the human world. Orgo believed he knew better. Humanity was ever-expanding. Gorilla City couldn't hide forever. He sighed, no use dwelling on it. He went about his patrol.

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2011-07-31 05:11 am UTC (link)
Orgo found himself nodding.

"Indeed it is. I do not begrudge our city's leaders doing what they feel best. However times are changing. If Gorilla City remains isolated..I'm sorry. An old arguement and one I shouldn't bother you with. You are a guest in my home afterall," Orgo said with a smile.

His mind began to wonder a little. "How did you come here, Jed Walker? Plane, boat?"

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2011-07-31 05:13 am UTC (link)
"Hey, I may not understand the details, but I know how frustrating it is for reformers. You've got my sympathies. Just keep at it; the squeaky wheel gets the grease."

"Chartered jet. Best way to get some of the shots I hoped for without...entanglements."

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2011-07-31 05:16 am UTC (link)
"Change is never easy. At least that's what my father tells me," Orgo agreed.

"Entanglements? You mean with the local human government?"

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2011-07-31 05:19 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, I've had to tell the nephew that a few times, but that doesn't mean you shut up."

"Mmhm. Trouble sometimes lately. But of course, as my sister says 'Hundred Dollar Bills. Give them to people, and they let you go places.'"

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2011-07-31 05:22 am UTC (link)
"Yes, a disturbing propensity for greed infests this part of the world. Though considering the conditions their local leaders have them under I cannot be too surprised," Orgo stated.

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2011-07-31 05:25 am UTC (link)
"Sure doesn't help the isolationism in your city, either, does it? And you're just some young punk trying to make them listen. I know the feeling." Pause "...Haven't seen much outsiders beside the local trouble and the occasional superhero visit, have you?" Jed asks, a strange tone taking on his voice.

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2011-07-31 05:31 am UTC (link)
"Political belief has grown divisive at home. Even though who believe in isolation and those who believe in joining the rest of the world have different views and theories. It's exasperating at times," Orgo confirmed. His face contorted in a look of mild confusion. "We patrol the border to make certain no outsiders inadvertently discover the city and there hasn't been a superhero in Gorilla City in years." Orgo says the last part a little wistfully.

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2011-07-31 05:34 am UTC (link)
"So... you're trying to form a foreign policy where hardly anyone, particularly not you, has experience with the foreign. Experience counts, let me tell you. People listen when you can talk about what you've seen with your own eyes. They listen more if you've got a thick checkbook when you say it, I'll have to admit, but experience is still important. Useful."

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2011-07-31 05:38 am UTC (link)
"That is true," Orgo admitted. "The last of our people to live amongst humans was my adopted father, Sam Simeon. Another hasn't been allowed to go into human society since my uncle took over after my grandfather Solovar's death."

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2011-07-31 05:41 am UTC (link)
"Sam Simeon. I think he might've been in the papers, once. Sounds vaguely familiar. So... it'd be a big family stir if you hitchhiked your way to the states, huh?" Pause. "Maybe bring the issue front and center in debate." Jed packed his camera.

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2011-07-31 05:44 am UTC (link)
"You mean..propose to my uncle to become our next observer?" Orgo said it with a little bit of shock, but also eagerness. He scratched his chin. "I won't deny I've longed to see the human world and its heroes. However, even if I got him to agree, how would I get there? Where would i go?"

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2011-07-31 05:54 am UTC (link)
"Well, you could get a ride to Star City with a random sympathetic photographer. If you can't get a passport, I'd have to let you off before customs, and then you'd have to figure it out for yourself, but there's probably some superhero niche to be made.... can you do the ...mindtrick things like in the news articles? Maybe make yourself a bit of a 'somebody else's business' field to get by until you can find a place to hide out?"

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2011-07-31 06:02 am UTC (link)
"You would take me? I..I don't know what to say," Orgo said, a little surprised. "Mind trick? Oh, you're referring to temporary mind manipulation. Yes, I can do that. My people could create a fake passport if my uncle agrees." He wasn't going to let this opportunity pass him by. "I will find a way. I must return to Gorilla City. Is there a place I can meet you later?"

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2011-07-31 06:05 am UTC (link)
Jed gives him directions to the landing site.

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