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gorilla_fanboy ([info]gorilla_fanboy) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
It had been a vociferous argument to say the least. Nnamdi had been less than enthusiastic about appointing a new ambassador to the human world. Orgo's fellows supported him, saying that efforts to learn more of the human world was essential. The conservatives pointed out that their prior dealings with humanity had led to Solovar's death. Eventually it was his father, Sam, that pointed out that Orgo's findings may finally put the issue to rest between the two groups. Orgo was known for his honesty and wouldn't lie about his findings. It was with reservation that Nnamdi agreed, outfitting Orgo with supplies, some minor technology, as well as a few official documents that would hopefully provide Orgo with some diplomatic authority if need be.

He felt a combination of excitement and trepidation as he made his way to the location that Jed specified.

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