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healingbug ([info]healingbug) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-28 04:24:00

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Entry tags:inactive - josh casey, npc team - brain trust, plot - "hearts & brains"

Poor Planning
Josh really should have brought a map or asked directions.  He's a little lost today in Coast City. He volunteered to go pick up a couple things at the store while Henry was at school and Ava flying about. Of course he doesn't realize that he has no idea where he's going until he's out in the city.

"I...really need to think things through better," he remarks to himself as he walks down the street. He supposes he can just sense his way to Henry or Ava and they'll help him out but he doesn't want to be a bother. "Let's see," he mutters, looking around as he walks.

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2010-03-28 06:39 am UTC (link)
Josh comes to a sudden stop as things change around him. His eyes go a little wide and he looks around. "Okay...this is decidedly not right on many levels," he mutters.

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2010-03-28 06:41 am UTC (link)
The Joshes around him bustle about their normal business, as if nothing was amiss. A couple turn to look at him curiously.

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2010-03-28 06:46 am UTC (link)
Taking a deep breath, Josh concentrates and closes his eyes. He searches about his his life senses and frowns deeply.

Metahuman nearby...but where

He starts to walk again, trying to ignore the many copies of himself as he searches for this metahuman signature.

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2010-03-28 06:50 am UTC (link)
Robert's eyebrow twitches from his location.

This one can sense us, he reports. ...or, he can try...

Robert focuses his mind, to create psychic dampening fields.

A Josh places its hand on the real Josh's shoulder. "You okay?" he asks... in Josh's voice. And not the way others hear his voice, but the way he hears himself.

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2010-03-28 07:04 am UTC (link)
Josh comes to a stop and closes his eyes to get another reading. He's unaware of dampening attempts. He's no psychic, he's following some other signal entirely. He jumps slightly when someone...himself...speaks to him.

"Yeah. I'll be fine. Just a headache..." he trails off, sense slowly locking in on the him that's made contact. "You're the one then..." he trails off. "Alright...you have my attention, what's with all this. And for the record you could have just asked for a chat," he says in a hushed tone, assuming the guy is the cause of the weird copies of himself being all around as he's the only meta he can find nearby. None of it makes any sense to the healer so he's a little on edge.

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2010-03-28 07:08 am UTC (link)
"Not bad," he replies. "You can see right through it."

He lets the illusion drop, but sends a punch, enhanced by psychic strength, towards Josh's face.

The other people on the street walk right by, as if the fight wasn't going on.

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2010-03-28 07:17 am UTC (link)
"You could say that," Josh says, swallowing. He starts to say something else as the illusion is dropped only to get knocked right off his feet and onto his backside by the punch. He lets out a pained little noise as his nose is broken by the blow but it's already starting to pull itself back together.

"Alright, what the hell?" he asks, voice sounding off thanks to the damage to his nose and the blood. "You have some kind of problem with me specifically or are you just a jerk?" he asks, getting up and starting to back away. The healer's senses are reaching out to locate a park or area with less people. He finds it really strange that all the passer-bys aren't paying attention but he still doesn't want to fight right in the middle of a street.

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2010-03-28 01:55 pm UTC (link)
Robert doesn't answer Josh's question. Instead, he merely reaches out with telekinesis to pick Josh up and throw him face-first into a nearby parked car.

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2010-03-28 02:09 pm UTC (link)
Josh lets out a surprised little 'eep' as he's lifted. He flails a little and his eyes go wide when he sees what he's headed for. The sound of healer meeting sedan isn't a pleasant one and the meeting isn't pleasant for Josh either.

With a groan he slips into unconsciousness. Falling from the car and onto the sidewalk, watching his injuries heal up as if they were never there is a nice little sight to watch but Josh is out cold for now.

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2010-03-28 02:13 pm UTC (link)
She was right. He's a healer.

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2010-03-28 02:14 pm UTC (link)
You need a hand with him?

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2010-03-28 02:17 pm UTC (link)
No. I've got this. You enjoy your target.

Robert reaches out with his mind... and begins tripping the pain sensors in Josh's mind. It should help keep him unconscious, if in an incredibly unpleasant state. He throws the healer over his shoulder and begins to carry him off, using his illusory abilities to make certain that no one can see them.

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