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semievilgenius ([info]semievilgenius) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-07-27 17:19:00

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Current location:Titans Tower, Lab
Current mood: chipper
Entry tags:inactive - jarrod hall, inactive - steve logan, max sivana, mourning dove, team - teen titans

Semi-Mad Science
 Max had to admit, the Titans had a really nice setup here. He was surprised by how quickly they trusted him. While at first he thought that perhaps it was a bit naive, but in truth he appreciated it. It was the kind of acceptance he'd been looking for all his life. He wasn't going to let them down.

"Helping superheroes fight crime. That ought to stick it to the old man," Max said with a smile.

He practically salivated at the opportunities, eyes practically caressing the the materials at hand. Oh yeah, this was going to be fun.

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2011-08-06 02:33 am UTC (link)
"I've heard of Cyborg, I admit I'd be interested in comparing notes. As for the magic, my grandfather was researching old spells apparently. He couldn't cast them himself, but he wrote the old runes down in case he found someone who could. A lot of them wouldn't be of use in a defensive matter, but a few of them would. Like him I can't use magic myself, but I could tell a mage exactly what said runes look like if need be," Max informed.

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2011-08-06 02:41 am UTC (link)
"Don't know to much about magic myself though I can do a little or use mystical objects to their full power if it's well explained to me," Jarrod says, "But that's about it."

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