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semievilgenius ([info]semievilgenius) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-07-27 17:19:00

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Current location:Titans Tower, Lab
Current mood: chipper
Entry tags:inactive - jarrod hall, inactive - steve logan, max sivana, mourning dove, team - teen titans

Semi-Mad Science
 Max had to admit, the Titans had a really nice setup here. He was surprised by how quickly they trusted him. While at first he thought that perhaps it was a bit naive, but in truth he appreciated it. It was the kind of acceptance he'd been looking for all his life. He wasn't going to let them down.

"Helping superheroes fight crime. That ought to stick it to the old man," Max said with a smile.

He practically salivated at the opportunities, eyes practically caressing the the materials at hand. Oh yeah, this was going to be fun.

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2011-07-28 03:57 am UTC (link)
"I hacked their medical records first to make sure there wouldn't be any permanent harm." He sighs. "I hear what you're saying."

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2011-07-28 04:14 am UTC (link)
Ruth nods simply. "So, what do you think you'll get up to in here?"

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2011-07-28 02:08 pm UTC (link)
"Resisting temptation mostly," he joked, trying to lighten the mood. "In all seriousness though I think I could make a few tweaks to your security, maybe some automated defenses. Just ideas at the moment, I don't actually want to start anything without Ty's okay."

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2011-07-28 05:01 pm UTC (link)
"I would be more concerned about getting approval from the team leader," Steve commented as he walked in. He had come down just to check something out, but overheard part of the conversation.

"Currently, that's Iris. But she'll more than likely be in agreement on upgrades."

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2011-07-28 05:11 pm UTC (link)
"Hello, Steve," Max greeted the new arrival. He nods. "That's true. I haven't actually met her yet. What's she like? I don't want to make a bad first impression."

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2011-07-28 05:15 pm UTC (link)
"Hello," Steve replied.

"Impossible," Steve commented. It's very difficult to make a bad impression on Iris. She's very friendly."

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2011-07-28 06:12 pm UTC (link)
"That's a relief. I work good under pressure, but not so much with people," Max stated.

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2011-07-28 07:15 pm UTC (link)
"Yes, Iris is lovely. Hi, Steve."

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2011-07-28 07:38 pm UTC (link)
"Hi, Ruth," Steve replied. He gave her a small smile and a wave. Then he looked back to Max.

"Just remember that the only thing you might need Ty for in this situation, is consultation if you want some finer details on how he already set things up. You don't have to check in with him every time you want to do something to upgrade the tower."

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2011-07-28 07:52 pm UTC (link)
"Hmmm, good to know," he pulls out a little notepad and a pen from his pocket. He begins to jot some things down. "I tend to remember things better if I read them," Max explained.

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2011-07-29 01:58 am UTC (link)
"That's normal enough," Ruth says.

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2011-07-29 05:55 pm UTC (link)
"It would be if it was just that, but it's more. I read something, and it's in my head permanently. I can't forget it," Max explained.

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2011-07-30 02:53 pm UTC (link)
"That must be very useful," Steve commented.

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2011-07-30 04:42 pm UTC (link)
"It can be, but it can also be very annoying," Max informed. "When I say I remember everything I've ever read, I'm serious. Every nursing rythme as a kid, every little message I ever read on the schoolboard, awful books I tried to read through, etc. The plus side is I have to make a conscious effort to remember things from awhile ago, but just like every person I can remember random things for no apparent reason sometimes."

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2011-07-31 02:16 am UTC (link)
"Doesn't sound far from the usual problem, and at least you don't forget the stuff you need."

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2011-08-02 11:42 pm UTC (link)
"What Ruth said," Steve said. "And sometimes you need to remember the things you want to forget."

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2011-08-04 08:02 pm UTC (link)
He sighs. "Don't I know it. Grandpa Sivana left a lot of journals, notes, and designs behind before he went off the grid. I read a bunch that he had in the bolthole I found. Lot of interesting stuff, but a lot of deranged rants and egotistical crap in there too."

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2011-08-05 12:55 am UTC (link)
"Ah, sometimes you've got to take so much with a grain of salt you exceed the RDA for sodium."

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2011-08-05 01:52 pm UTC (link)
He raised an eyebrow at Ruth before chuckling. "That's true. There were a lot of "Curses, foiled again!" and "Big red Cheese" references in there."

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