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Max Szasz ([info]questionthis) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-07-09 20:17:00

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Entry tags:inactive - calypso, inactive - max szasz, plot - "lessons not learned", team - outsiders

Guess Who's Here(Open to Outsiders)
Max and Renee had spent some time working on his new persona. Had to make thing different enough in both how he moved and how he fought that people wouldn't be able to easily tell who it really was. He had even down some work to give himself a convincing Italian accent.

Now for the tough part he needed to attract Inter-gang's attention but it wasn't like he could just knock on their door and ask to join. Though there was something he could do.

There was a small time crime lord in Star City who had rather pissed of Inter-Gang. A real asshole by all accounts. While he kind of felt bad about doing it he could hand devilver him to the local Inter-gang people and see if that would work of an audition. Though what they would do to the guy was something he wouldn't wish on anyone if he was right about his guess and he prayed to god he was wrong.

Max made his way towards the guys strong hold in his new look he was wearing contacts to make his eyes brown and his hair was lighten to a light brown from his normal dark brown. His stride had an arrogance to it that he never usually had. He was dressed up in a sharp Italian look and had some weapons on him that he usually didn't and it felt very weird not to have his crossbow.

Max waited for the timing to be right before he would break hi way in kicking down the front door.

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2011-07-14 10:27 pm UTC (link)
The team had gotten word of the meeting of criminals in Star City. With Q out of reach more often than not, coming by some of the extra information the team usually got was a bit more difficult. But they managed, and Calypso was sent in as the tank for this one. Shortly after the new guy kicked down the door, Terra busted down the wall on the opposite side.

She was there, floating on a big rock, with a questioning look on her face. Her communicator was on so she could keep in touch with Lian, who was still on leave from active duty. "I've knocked down the wall," she told her friend/coordinator. "They look surprised."

She smirked at that.

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