Happy Birthday Mickey (Backdated)
Even with ever thing that had happened recently Mikey still felt Mickey needed to celebrate her eighteenth birthday which being a Dugan of course met throwing her a surprise party at the Brownstone. Everything was set up for being a rather nice birthday party followed by fourth of July party. He had brought out some new bots and a couple of modifications to bots he had recently done to try and spice up the party.
Given how Mickey had died and come back this year and just losing her best friend Mikey went a bit above and beyond his usual gifts. Mikey had taken the frame of an old Volkswagen bug convertible and rebuilt it from scratch. He hadn't added anything fancy to it for him as he didn't know what she would like and figured those could be additions for later.
When Mickey opened Mikey's gift she would find a car key with a note to check the garage. Once she did check the garage she would find the car there looking brand new with a big bow on the hood.
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