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Buffy ([info]iwantapony) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-27 21:20:00

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Entry tags:npc - buffy desmond, npc - mitzi storm, pippi peppers, team - titans east

Don't Move This is a Rescue
Buffy really missed her friends Pippi and Mitzi. Mandy and the others had told her that those mean and unfashionable Teen Titans were holding them hostage than that’s why they couldn’t talk to them anymore. They wouldn’t even let Buffy send Mitzi money when her house burned down and it was only a hundred thousand dollars.

Buffy loved her friends so she couldn’t take it anymore. Using one of her black cards to bought plane tickets to New York and some essential supplies plus some gifts for her friends.

Buffy showed up at the front door of Titans East HQ wearing top of the line and very fashionable pink cameo plus she made her hair really cute to because that was really important. She then rang the doorbell because no one would ever expect anyone to sneak in that way and it wasn’t like they could see her since she was wearing cameo.

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2011-07-03 03:41 pm UTC (link)
"Can you hold on just a second... and watch my unicorn for me? I'm going to go get my stuff... Buffy needs her nails done. Then we'll have cookies, and I can do her nails, and we'll be great!"

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2011-07-04 02:11 pm UTC (link)
"OK we should be fine," Buffy says, "We just need to find those cookies."

"Oh yeah," Buffy says not having an airhead moment, "I got you something." She then pulls out the present she got Mitzi out of her purse.

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