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young_swimmer ([info]young_swimmer) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Cait stood up and took a deep breath. Her stomach tightened up in a knot. She shouldn't be nervous around these people, she had grown up knowing them, but she had never wanted something from them before.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Cait said with a small bow to her father.

"Lords and ladies of this revered council," she started out. "Thousands of years ago the kingdom of Atlantis was on the surface of this world. She flourished and prospered until the Great Cataclysm sent the cities of Atlantis into the ocean. There, in the cold depths of the ocean she continued to survive and prospered. The cities of that great nation split apart and went their own ways.”

“In our recent history those cities found each other again and steps were made to reacquaint ourselves with our long lost cousins. Teens from Poseidonis now go to stay in Tritonis and recently Thierna Na Oge and teens from those cities are here in Poseidonis. They were until Poseidonis resurfaced. There were talks of such a program with Tlapallan. We reunited with our cousins and started forging ties that would help all of Atlantis flourish, but now all that work has been undone.

Now, Atlantis is broken once again. Poseidonis sits here, on the surface, while her sister cities remain on the ocean floor in the safety of the depths. We are once again separated from our dear cousins of the depths and are now apart of the world that belongs to our other cousins, the humans.”

Cait took a deep breath. The more she talked, the easier it became, but the knot was still in her stomach. “I love the surface and its people. It's exciting, wonderful and there's so much to see and do, but I am an Atlantean. My heart and my soul yearn to return to the ocean where I was born. Here, floating above the waves is not the same. We are Atlanteans. We need to be /in/ the ocean, not on her surface.”

“While I do wish Poseidonis, and all of Atlantis, will have more contact with the surface and its people, we do not belong here. Poseidonis needs to rejoin her sisters in the depths ocean.”

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