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Jane Doe-Smith ([info]jdoesmith) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-27 20:15:00

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Moving in on a kill
Jane was making sure the body armor she was going to wear wouldn't be too noticeable. Then she rolled her eyes wondering why she was being so paranoid. Jake wasn't going to hurt her. But it was still smart to worry about the other guys.

So she made sure that she was in black from head to toe more or less. Nothing reflective. Soft soled shoes so nothing would clatter and an extra gun strapped to the small of her back. She didn't think he would stop her from using it. She didn't intend on killing anyone tonight but it was probably going to happen.

She wasn't going to lie to herself about this. Tonight was going to be dangerous. Hopefully nothing added to it. With that in mind she set out for the building. She took care with everything she did. No one should know about her getting there aside from her partner for the night. So all she had to do was wait for him to show up and she would be ready to move in.

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