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Katima Sers ([info]compassionate) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-24 18:31:00

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Entry tags:inactive - henry jordan, inactive - katima sers, npc - felicity barrows, plot - "hearts & brains"

A Light in the Dark
Katima had been daydreaming when she felt it, the thick soul-churning conglomeration of emotions before they went entirely black.  Trouble.  She'd taken off immediately and tracked the disturbance--a brand new Black Lantern, much to her dismay.


The utterance had captured the monster's attention at the same moment her feelings had and it turned on her, a sick smile twisting from it's razor-toothed maw...an undead Attrocitus-like being.  Fearsome.  But Katima did not know fear.  She did know faith.

Her opening shot had been very successful, summoning the void the monster now had for emotions and firing it back at him in an intense channel of black "light".  Her own feelings didn't spike and the being had expected to feed from something so the first strike was hard and he missed her, though barely, as he shot out his decaying hand to catch her throat.


Back and forth it went before finally she had him cornered.  Had him weakened.  Had him in such a position where she could capture him...

Flesh.  Flesh.  Flesh.

The Black Lantern got in a solid swing at her, catching her on the jaw.  The pain shot anger through her and she couldn't stay it.  It was enough, enough to bolster the being who got in another blow, sending her backwards into space with some force before it turned itself and headed towards its true destination:  the nearby planet Earth.

Oh no...

She wasn't going to be able to stop him alone so she gathered up her power, her staff glowing brightly as she sent out  a message to any that would hear her....


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2010-03-25 12:38 am UTC (link)
"Doing the best I can."

Katima strikes the Black Lantern from behind, an indigo-shielded fist crashing into the zombie-creature with as much force as she could muster.

"I said stop."

Flesh. Flesh

The Black Lantern roared and turned even as Katima's fist went through it's shoulder.

I smell fear..

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2010-03-25 12:44 am UTC (link)
"Look, peel back. Let him come. We can sandwich him when I catch up."

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2010-03-25 12:48 am UTC (link)
"I don't want him gaining ground."

Katima continued to wrangle with the Black Lantern.

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2010-03-25 12:50 am UTC (link)
"I don't want him killing you, and maybe getting another Black Lantern with him," Henry replies. "And he's not gaining ground... he's just getting closer to me."

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2010-03-25 12:52 am UTC (link)
"That's gaining ground. See the big picture. You are closer to Earth. And I'm not going to die. I'm not as easy to kill as this guy thinks I am."

There was a particular zen coming across the communication. A calm. Katima wasn't budging on her emotions, staying even-keeled and depriving the Black Lantern of the emotions he needed to feed.

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2010-03-25 12:55 am UTC (link)
"I am seeing the big picture, dammit," Henry replies. "But I'm a part of that, and you and I can take that thing out, together."

Still, he puts in extra power. He's going to get there as quick as he can.

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2010-03-25 12:58 am UTC (link)
Katima clocks the BL with her staff, the force of it sending her backwards a bit.

"I can feel you, Lantern. You're close."

Smiling, she starts to glow, her Indigo light turning green as she takes on that emotion. Confused, the monster charges at her.

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2010-03-25 01:00 am UTC (link)
Henry comes into view, shining his light towards the Black Lantern...

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2010-03-25 01:01 am UTC (link)
With Henry's light illuminating the Black Lantern, Katima turns her now-green light on it as well and rushes towards it. Instinctively she knows that Henry will go for the opposite side. Between the two of them...

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2010-03-25 01:06 am UTC (link)
//Connection severed.//

Henry catches the black ring in a green bubble. "Good work, Indigo," he says, looking at the ring... then he catches the view of the leg of the Indigo Lantern.

And slowly begins looking up, taking in the view of the attractive young Korugarian.

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2010-03-25 01:10 am UTC (link)
"Thank you for your assistance, Green Lantern."

Katima smiles at him as she returns to her Indigo hue, her staff bleeding away the green it had adopted.

"I was momentarily concerned that no one had heard my call for help." Extending a hand in what she knows to be an Earth custom, her smile widens.


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2010-03-25 01:13 am UTC (link)
"Henry Jordan," he replies with a wide smile, taking her hand. "You're from Korugar, aren't you?"

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2010-03-25 01:14 am UTC (link)
Warmth. His hand was warm, his smile wide and she felt instantly at ease and...comfortable.

"Originally, yes. You have been to Korugar?"

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2010-03-25 01:22 am UTC (link)
"No, but I've met a couple Korugarians before," he replies. "You're our neighboring sector. But I've only had the ring for a few months."

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2010-03-25 01:25 am UTC (link)
"I see. Perhaps you will get to Korugar sometime. Away from the cities, it is beautiful." Katima smiles at him and looks at the ring he has encased. "That should go to the Guardians. I will escort you if you would like."

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2010-03-25 01:36 am UTC (link)
"Thanks," he nods. "I could use the company, plus, if something happens... it'd be good to have backup." He frowns a little. "I wonder why Blue didn't come. Hang on." He sends out a call to Avalon.

//Blue, come in. I've got a problem.//

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2010-03-25 01:41 am UTC (link)
Oh, no. That is not acceptable.

Felicity, watching in secret, uses her ring to create interference. Henry's Blue Lantern partner won't interfere here.

As she moves to follow the two lanterns, certain that she's arranging true love... but another thought occurs to her.

Perhaps Jordan's existing friends should be removed from the equation, too...

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2010-03-25 01:44 am UTC (link)
Henry frowns. "Maybe the black ring's interfering. We should get this turned in now."

He starts heading in the direction of Oa. "Thanks for stopping this thing," he tells her. "I ran into Black Hand the other day, too. I wonder if Nekron's up to some old tricks."

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2010-03-25 01:47 am UTC (link)
"It felt nasty passing through my sector. I could not abide it coming to earth. Too much pain."

Katima frowned a little and flies right alongside Henry, closely.

"Perhaps I should come to Earth for a bit, just in case Nekron is up to no good."

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2010-03-25 01:49 am UTC (link)
"Not a bad idea," Henry replies. "I can definitely act as your host, just until we're sure it's passed."

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2010-03-25 01:51 am UTC (link)
"I will do what I can to take up very little space." She nods. "I think it's best to be cautious. We cannot be too vigilant when it comes to Nekron. The Universe cannot stand so much pain..."

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2010-03-25 01:55 am UTC (link)
"No," he replies. "So... I've met a couple Indigo Lanterns before, when I was younger, but... you're the first one I met since becoming a Lantern myself."

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2010-03-25 01:56 am UTC (link)
"There aren't many of us and we tend to stay to ourselves unless we are needed. When the Universe needs great healing."

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2010-03-25 01:59 am UTC (link)
"Met any Greens before?" he asks.

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2010-03-25 02:00 am UTC (link)
"I have met no other Lanterns who are not of my Tribe before. You are my first. I simply knew you existed."

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2010-03-25 02:03 am UTC (link)
"I knew about you guys from a pretty young age, but then... my dad's a Green Lantern, so I was raised knowing all about the different corps."

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2010-03-25 02:07 am UTC (link)
"My parents died when I was young. I was raised by the Indigo Tribe. Hence my not really knowing much beyond the Tribe." She smiles. "Perhaps there will be time to show me things on earth."

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2010-03-25 02:11 am UTC (link)
"That'd be nice," he replies. "Tell you what. When we get the chance, I'll show you around, even if it has to wait until after some undead guy tries to eat the universe."

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2010-03-25 02:13 am UTC (link)
"Then I will hope that the undead guy is not hungry." She smiles at him and gently nudges his shoulder with hers. Friendly.

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2010-03-25 02:16 am UTC (link)
He smiles and nudges back. "Sounds like a plan. But even if he is... the combined Corps managed to kick his ass before. We can do it again."

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2010-03-25 02:17 am UTC (link)
"Agreed. And eventually, Nekron will learn."

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2010-03-25 02:21 am UTC (link)
"I dunno," he replies. "Powerful cosmic entities sometimes have a hard time catching a clue."

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2010-03-25 02:22 am UTC (link)
"Then we keep dealing the clues. It's what we do. It is our duty." She nods. Duty is important to her. Doing the right and good thing is clearly something she takes great pride in.

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2010-03-25 02:27 am UTC (link)
He nods, in agreement. He, too, knows duty.

"Sounds like a plan, Katima."

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