(Not Quite) Hell on Wheels (open)
Huntress opened the throttle on her bike and increased her speed. The men on bikes ahead of her had been pulling away, but she wasn't going to let them get away. They were part of a gang who were pushing drugs to middle-school kids and Maria wasn't about to let them go anywhere but to the land of pain and jail. Preferably in that order.
She had been following them for a few days to learn their supply and distribution routes so she could bring down the whole gang and not just two little fishes. Tonight they were heading toward Metropolis to meet up with a fellow member who dealt in Metropolis. She gunned the throttle and closed the gap between them.
Huntress pulled up along side of one and grabbed her crossbow. She aimed and fire, the small arrow going into the front tire of the bike. The front tire deflated and the bike flipped, the back going up over the front. The man on it went flying off and hit the ground hard. He wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.
Huntress kept after the guy on the other bike and pulled up along side of him. She took aim, but he swerved toward her and she had to swerve to avoid him hitting her. She straightened out and half stood up, putting her weight on her hands. She put her right knee on the seat and kicked out with her left foot at the man on the other bike.
He wobbled a bit before losing control. His bike started to skid and the rear wheel hit hers. Not good. So not good. Her bike started to skid and there was only one thing left to do. Huntress jumped from the skidding bike and went flying through the air. She tried to adjust her position to make a somewhat reasonable landing, but she had been driving too fast for that. She hit the ground hard and with some bone breakage.
"Ow. Double ow." There wasn't a part of her body that didn't hurt and she was going to lie here and enjoy the nice hard ground for a bit.
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