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terra_mater ([info]terra_mater) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-05-24 22:55:00

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Friends and Family (open)
"How did you get this number?"


"No, I don't think that is a good idea."


"There is a reason she didn't tell you.  Your world is no place for me."


"I can't.  Goodbye."

Calypso hung up the cell phone Lian had given her and turned it off.  She didn't want another unexpected call from that man again.  The simple fact that she had met him went against everything she wanted.  She didn't want to meet her father, and she certainly didn't want to be recognized as his daughter.  It wasn't that she hated him or disliked him.  Calypso just wasn't made for that world.  Her world was set to a different tone -- it was darker, dirtier, rougher, and tougher.

After that call, she needed something else to keep her mind at ease.  She went upstairs to the ground floor of the Outsiders compound and started cooking Hamburger Helper.  It was her favorite meal.  Creamy Chicken Noodle was her comfort flavor.

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