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Dinah Kord ([info]bwa_ha_ha) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-05-14 22:43:00

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Entry tags:dinah kord, goldstar

Are You Gonna Ask Me or Not?
All things considered?  Dinah would have to say life was going pretty good right now.  High School graduation was less than a month away, she had pretty much her pick of colleges, her Titans team was doing pretty well (imps notwithstanding), the time stream was reasonably stable, her science project took second place at the school science fair (lousy judges wouldn't know science if it bit them on the behind...), and her relationship with Riley was nothing short of astounding.

The only downside, if it could be called as such, was the having to buy a lot of new bras.  Fortunately, she'd had a long conversation with the Scarab about not making any modifications to her body without her express permission.

Now, however, was the time of rooftop ice cream.  A very good tradition of hers and Riley's, back from even before they were actually dating.

"Nice night, isn't it?" she asked.

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2011-05-17 10:12 pm UTC (link)
"I'm kidding. I'll just kick 'em in the family jewels instead."

Dinah giggled. "Your hair stood straight up for three days."

She fixed him with a look. "Now, I believe I heard you mention "prom"?"

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2011-05-17 11:36 pm UTC (link)
Riley blinked. "Yeah... we're going, right?" He looks forlorn for a moment.

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2011-05-17 11:55 pm UTC (link)
"Well, I was hoping we were. But you hadn't actually asked me yet..."

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2011-05-18 12:20 am UTC (link)
Riley turns pale. "I... I haven't? I must have... I mean, you... we... oh gosh, Dinah, will you go to prom with me and not break up with me?"

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2011-05-18 12:29 am UTC (link)
Dinah tried to stifle her giggle, and utterly failed. She kissed Riley.

"Yes, Riley, yes I will go to the prom with you and not break up with you."

She kissed him again, then looked suddenly thoughtful, followed by a sudden twitch.

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2011-05-18 12:31 am UTC (link)
"...is that an 'I'm out past curfew' twitch or 'Khaji's modifying something else' twitch?"

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2011-05-18 12:42 am UTC (link)
"Neither," Dinah told him. "It's a "I'm going to have to ask Pippi for help with hair and make up and a dress" twitch."

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2011-05-18 12:48 am UTC (link)
"Can't you just, um, science yourself that stuff? I bet you could build some kind of automatic makeover device."

Yes, for Riley, science is a verb.

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2011-05-18 12:52 am UTC (link)
"Would that I could, Ri," Dinah said. "But that's one area where my mighty brains give out."

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