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Angela Renee Waller-Holt ([info]yourkingismine) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-04-14 22:22:00

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Entry tags:inactive - angie holt, inactive - kyle mcnider, inactive - mickey rayner, inactive - nicolette hall, inactive - warhawk, team - jsa

Work Out (Open to JSA)
Angie stepped out of the shower after her workout in her apartment in Baton Rouge, steeling herself for what had to come next. She despised being shot, but she preferred it greatly to being stabbed. Sadly, one of those was going to have to happen for this plan to work. After reading the file on her target, she was pretty sure he'd know a self-inflicted wound versus an actual one, so she'd have to find someone she could trust to shoot her without killing her. Then, she would have to get to the Brownstone in enough time to not bleed to death and pray to god /he/ was there.

And hope that someone else didn't just slam the door in her face once he saw her. Without thinking, Angie's hand traces out a small five-inch scar on her stomach and, for a moment, she wasn't completely there. Luckily, she was alone in her apartment, so no one could see the vacant look and slightly sad look in her eyes.

It was better that way.

--Ten hours later---

Angie Holt limps her way to the door of the Brownstone, holding her side as the blood seeps between her fingers. No matter how many times she's been shot, it never gets any easier to manage the pain. Still, she'll take being shot over being stabbed any day of the week.

Part One of the plan is down. Part Two is coming.

She manages to knock on the door before she slides down against it in a heap.

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2011-04-24 10:39 pm UTC (link)
"You did seem a bit out of it when you came and maybe you wanted to come back here for some really you just don't want to admit to yourself."

"How I got here is kind of a painful story," Kyle says.

Then changing the topic asks, "So how did this happen to you? I don't recall it being mentioned."

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2011-04-24 10:47 pm UTC (link)
"Sorry. Didn't meant to pry. I do that sometimes." she says.

"I got mugged and the bastard didn't want a witness I guess. I handed over my wallt and he shot me, then took off. It was a few blocks from here. I knew if I stayed there, I was going to bleed to death, so...I picked a direction and stumbled in it." Angela says.

"You have some real talent. What hospital are you with?" she asks.

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2011-04-24 11:01 pm UTC (link)
"Don't worry about it," Kyle says adjusting his dark glasses, "Standard type of question there."

"A local public in the City," He says, "Do you think you can remember some detail about what this guy looks like?"

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2011-04-24 11:31 pm UTC (link)
"Didn't get a lot, really. He walked up on me from behind as I was headed back to my car. When I did get to turn around, he could have been, I don't know...five ten or so? Couldn't see his face, but he sounded like he had a Hispanic accent. He took off running West on Dumont...I think that was the street I was on.

If I'd seen him coming, this wouldn't have happened." she says bitterly.

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2011-04-24 11:38 pm UTC (link)
"Sounds like some really bad luck there," Kyle says, "Though maybe we'll get lucky and a security camera might have caught something."

"If there's anything else you might remember that could help."

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2011-04-27 01:46 am UTC (link)
"I wish I could. The guy smelled terrible. I don't know if he was homeless or just had bad hygiene." Angie says, shifting a bit and wincing.

"The only thing worse that getting shot is getting fucking stabbed." she mutters.

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2011-04-27 06:25 am UTC (link)
"Well at least we have a start," Kyle says, "Who knows maybe that Dr. Fate guy can magic up some help solving this too."

"I think it depends on the wound itself," he says, "Shotguns are not very nice."

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2011-04-29 12:32 am UTC (link)
"But with a gunshot, you eventually get to a place where the pain stays at a constant level of suck. With a stab wound, it just gets worse with every moment, every second you've got to move around. Oh, and the bleeding is a bitch, too." she says.

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2011-04-29 07:25 pm UTC (link)
"Either way they both suck," Kyle says.

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2011-04-30 08:01 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah, that's true. I suppose it doesn't matter which sucks /more/." Angie says.

"Thank you, again, Kyle, for patching me up." she says. "I'm not sure how I can repay you, but I'll think of something." she says, and winks.

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2011-05-01 08:42 am UTC (link)
"You don't have to repay anything," Kyle says giving her a smile, "I'm just glad to be able to help out."

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