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healingbug ([info]healingbug) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-22 14:33:00

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Entry tags:inactive - avalon, inactive - henry jordan, inactive - josh casey

Houseguests Hanging Out
The prospect of going back to school has Josh a bit nervous. He's not worried about grades or anything like that, confident he can handle the material. It's all those people. But thankfully, he doesn't have to go yet.

Instead, Josh is staying at Henry's place while the Green Lantern is at school. And since he doesn't want to be a complete mooch, the healer's in the kitchen cleaning. He hums a little tune while he finishes the dishes. "There..." he trails off as he completes the task.

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2010-03-23 06:12 pm UTC (link)
Josh frowns slightly and lets out a little noise as he ponders what storms might be coming. "Precognative? Man..." he sighs. "She's sorta right. I mean...knowing what comes next does change what you do in the here and now," he says.

"You can...walk into dreams?" Josh asks, flushing red. "That's a cool power. Don't worry, I won't tell him."

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2010-03-23 06:30 pm UTC (link)
"Yea... it's rather surprising I can do it - Dreamwalking is rare among Nalorians." murmurs Avalon. "I don't mention it a lot of the time because it can be threatening, you know? Makes people not want to trust you when they think you can violate them like that.."

He laughs some, then says "They don't even realize that I can't hurt them in their dreams.. but they can hurt me." he then rolls over and grins at Josh and says "You've heard all about me. I keep talking about myself in hopes that it'll put you enough at ease so that you might tell me some about yourself."

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2010-03-23 06:56 pm UTC (link)
"Wow," Josh murmurs. He's still blushing but he smiles again. "That's an amazing power. I'm not worried about getting hurt. Just a little embarrassing to find out that someone might be peeking into your dreams without knowing it," he says.

He blinks a few times. "Well umm," he chuckles. "What would you like to know about me?"

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2010-03-23 07:13 pm UTC (link)
"Oh, you'd know if I was there. It's like I am there physically." replies Avalon.

He then shrugs to Josh's question, and offers the guy a wide smile as he says "Ramble about yourself. I know the official story. Now I want to know what your favorite color is, and if you like to sing or play an instrument.. What kind of books you like to read and where your favorite place in the world might be."

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2010-03-23 07:20 pm UTC (link)
"Oh," Josh pauses, thinking. "Okay," he says, wondering what that would be like.

He chuckles a little and looks up. "Well. My favorite color...I dunno. I really like blue and green," he pauses. "And I like 'em more now," he adds. "I don't play any instruments but I can sing," he blushes furiously. "I like lots of books but I haven't read any in awhile. And I don't have a favorite place in the world."

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2010-03-23 07:37 pm UTC (link)
"Expand on that." Encourages Avalon. "This isn't as much fun if I have to ask all the questions."

He reaches out and nudges Josh then playfully. "How about... telling me when you first realized you could heal people."

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2010-03-23 07:47 pm UTC (link)
"Expand?" Josh asks. "I umm," he blinks. "Okay," he eventually manages.

He chuckles when nudged though. "Well, when I was a bit younger. There was this dog I'd always see and play with. One day it showed up after a fight with some other animal and I could feel how bad it was hurt and I really wished it wasn't feeling so bad and next thing I know," he finishes by holding up his hands and letting them glow.

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2010-03-23 08:10 pm UTC (link)
"Oh, vert nice!" Replies Avalon, his eyes wide. "That's brilliant!! And so.. this is all relatively new for you, then?"

Josh is an interesting subject for Avalon, and he finds himself seeing the good that Henry had seen right off. Then again, Avalon was far more suspicious of those whom were unknown, and watched them longer before making an opinion.

But Josh is just a great person through and through, and the alien is no longer holdiong back.

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2010-03-23 08:15 pm UTC (link)
"To healing?" Josh asks. "No, I've been healing since I was young," he says, chuckling. "But this whole...hero thing, yeah," he admits. "I always read about the superheroes and saw them on the news but I never thought I'd be one," he says. "Least not until I got to Keystone."

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2010-03-23 09:51 pm UTC (link)
"ooooh, now I understand." replies the alien. He flops over onto a side, restless for the lack of his wings, and then offers Josh a big wide smile. "It's rewarding.. Henry tells me that we will get to meet the Young Justice League soon, and we will make many friends there."

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2010-03-23 10:03 pm UTC (link)
"I'm kinda nervous," Josh admits. "I mean...just talking with you and Henry was this big thing for me. I didn't do much socializing out on the streets," he shivers. "And now meeting all these new people that we'll be working with...and some might be upset about where I come from. Especially if the Flash has any family on the team...I don't want them to get mad at you or Henry."

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2010-03-23 10:06 pm UTC (link)
"Do not fear, for all will be well." reassures Avalon. He reaches out and presses a palm to Josh's chest, his lips smiling brightly as he says "Have faith in yourself. Henry has made a commitment to you, and in turn so have I."

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2010-03-23 10:20 pm UTC (link)
Josh blushes at the contact but says nothing for a bit. "Thanks, Ava," he says. "Having you and Henry on my side will really help."

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2010-03-23 11:39 pm UTC (link)
"I will admit to being slower to trust than Henry. But he is.. the one whom I've dedicated to assisting until no longer needed." He pauses, then says softly "Henry speaks like you will be around much longer than just a little bit. And I like you, you're funny how you flush and flutter. Its very coot." He probably meant cute but mispronounced it.

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2010-03-24 12:16 am UTC (link)
"It's okay," Josh begins. "Especially how we met...me looking like a bad guy over a vulnerable Henry..." he shrugs. "H-he does?" the healer is surprised by this. He then blushes again.

"I think you mean cute," he says with a smile. "I...I like you too, Ava. You're a really nice and interesting guy. And your really cute too."

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2010-03-24 12:45 am UTC (link)
Rolling his eyes, Avalon says "Henry is a spoiled princess. He acts without consideration, which is both a strength and a weakness."

He then grins some as his belly rumbles and he asks sheepishly "Mind if we head back and get something to eat? I think I forgot lunch because of gardening."

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2010-03-24 12:50 am UTC (link)
Josh chuckles a little. "I think you mean prince..." he trails off. "Since he's the prince, you must be the knight in shining blue armor then," he teases a little.

The healer blinks after the rumble and then laughs quietly. "Sure, let's head back. I'll cook up something tasty."

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2010-03-24 01:05 am UTC (link)
"That would require me being even on Henry's radar, and I can assure you that I simply am not." Says Avalon with a sad expression.

He shifts them back towards home, his expression turning happy once more. "I think that I want a pea and nut and butter sandwich." He announces.

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2010-03-24 01:12 am UTC (link)
"I don't know, Ava," Josh says quietly. "I didn't think I was on it till..." he shrugs and then sighs. He watches the Blue Lantern for a few moments.

Man...Ava's nice and hot and...man. How can Henry have not been all over him by now? I mean he was in bed with me in a few hours and I'm nothing special...

Josh snickers again. "That's peanut butter, Ava. And sure thing. I'll make one for you."

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2010-03-24 04:48 am UTC (link)
Smiling sadly to Josh, Avalon says "I don't try to worry over it, I'm just happy to be his partner; I look forward to growing old with him."

They drift back towards the house, and Avalon uses his ring to hide them once more as they descend from the sky.

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