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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-04-02 16:15:00

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Entry tags:alphonse vertigo, inactive - angie holt, inactive - damien wilson, inactive - lian harper, inactive - morgaine king, inactive - robert queen, inactive - rose wilson, plot - "uncivil war", team - suicide squad, zoe torres

Showdown in Brazil
The helicopter carrying the members of the Suicide Squad, Damien Wilson, Morgaine King, and Slade Wilson made closed in on its target. The League of Assassins Compound in the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil. The helicopter bore the appearance of one the helicopters that the League used frequently, so they would be able to get in without much hassle.

The pilot informed Damien that they would be touching down in ten minutes, and the assembled group looked to him for briefing.

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2011-04-03 01:54 am UTC (link)
Morgaine looked over her swords, awaiting Damien's instructions.

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2011-04-03 02:07 am UTC (link)
"That is simple, Sister Mine. Your team and our father will enter the base and find Lian. Once you have her, please get her to safety and make sure she is not in need of medical attention. You will also need to kill his majordomo, who I believe to be the White Ghost.

Morgaine and I will rescue our mother, followed by engaging and killing Ra's al Ghul." Damien says.

"Once this is over, should we all survive, your contracts will be honored and you can go your separate ways." he says.

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2011-04-03 02:18 am UTC (link)
"Eliminate White Ghost, find Lian. Done." Merlyn says, clicking on his voice modulator.

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2011-04-03 02:45 am UTC (link)
"We're closing in on the target, Mr. Wilson." The pilot informed them.

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2011-04-03 02:50 am UTC (link)
"Sounds straightforward enough."

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2011-04-03 02:56 am UTC (link)
Angela communicates with the group over the radio system, as she stayed behind in America. She'd had to report this to Checkmate as soon as it went down to get further orders.

The word from HQ?

Let it happen. Ra's al Ghul cannot remain the Demon's Head.

"Catch as many bodies as you need to, people, then come back in one piece. We will have another assignment lined up by then." she says.

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2011-04-03 02:57 am UTC (link)
"We'll find the girl, Damien. You can count on that. You kill that rat-bastard and save your mother." Slade tells his son.

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