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Damien al Ghul/Damien Wilson ([info]headofthedemon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Re: Lian and Damien
"He stood between me and my wife. Why does no one /understand/ that?" Damien says, exasperation coloring his tone. He was sick of being harangued for doing what any man would do when faced with someone trying to keep him from his wife.

"Your precious Atlantean would not have been involved had you not deserted me like some thief in the night, Lian. I forgave you for lying to me, for betraying my trust. That is easily as grievous as dealing with a man who threatened harm against my person and my people.

Yet, you only see him as...what? Some hero? A savior? He acted foolishly and died like a fool, Lian. I have no pity for him and nor should you. And he's made it clear that he will have nothing to do with you so long as you and I are together." Damien says coldly.

"Or do you expect him to be kind to our children when he knows where they come from?" he asks.

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