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geekgreek ([info]geekgreek) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-04-01 16:35:00

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Entry tags:avia free, will freeman

April Showers, April Foolishness
Will was a busy bee the last week or so. With the end of the huge fight and everyone come back to life, Will has been doing extra duty. He was Shazam, after all, and it wouldn't be right to *not* do it. He skipped his birthday and didn't much care. He was saving the world after all, and it didn't seem right for him to celebrate when he had so much to do.

When the end of March finally came, he found himself with less to do. With the help of the heroes and the world, much (not all, but a lot) of what needed to be done was done. And now he had time to think of a certain day that was coming up. April 1st.

Avias birthday.

Will was frantic in his search for some place to take her, and when he found the place in Philadelphia he was ecstatic. And it was in between Fawcett and where Avia lived in Connecticut. So Will called with the information.

And so, Will waits outside a place called the "Ethical Carnie" restaurant.

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2011-04-04 11:12 pm UTC (link)
Avia rose up on her Aero Disks, landing neatly near Will.

She ran an appraising eye over his Marvel-form. "Sha-zaaam."

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2011-04-04 11:15 pm UTC (link)
Aaaaaand now Will is pink.

"Well, looks like we can't do much sightseeing, but...umm...we can still do dinner. I-if you want to, I mean. it's your birthday."

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2011-04-04 11:16 pm UTC (link)
Avia grinned. "Hey, a little interruption like that ain't enough to harsh my groove. I'm all for dinner."

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2011-04-04 11:20 pm UTC (link)
Will can only smile.


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