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Jai West ([info]dareyoutorun) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-03-31 22:14:00

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Entry tags:firestorm, inactive - traya smith, jon kent, npc - don hall, npc - jai west

I've had some time to think...(Open to YJLA)
One week after his resurrection, Jai West arrived at the YJLA HQ, looking for someone he could speak to. He hoped Jon was here; it would be easier for him to talk to Jon about this, or maybe even Corrina. He had to inform someone, though, so that they could start looking for a replacement if necessary.

He passed the meeting room, with meeting table reserved for the core members of the League. Jai walked into the room, looking down at everyone's familiar symbols carved into the table. He'd heard that the JSA have a table just like this at the Brownstone, but he'd never seen it.

Anyone walking by would find him there.

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2011-04-01 11:42 pm UTC (link)
Jai stops and turns to look at them both.

"Thanks, guys. That really means a lot." he says, shaking Don's hand.

"How are you guys doing, after...everything?" he asks.

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