Jai takes a deep breath.
"I've got a lot to do to put my life back together, Traya. I've missed three /months/ of school. I'll be lucky if I can get caught up by the end of the year, even with super-speed. If I can burn the midnight oil, I just /might/ avoid having to do summer school." he says.
He pauses, gearing up for the /other/ thing he has to tell her.
"And if I don't have to go to summer school, then I'll be able to make the Young Journalists Conference in London this summer, along with visiting a few colleges." he says.
"I can't do all of that /and/ be available for the League. I told Jon I'll help out whenever I can, but I don't want to hold the team up." Jai says.
"Oh...and Iris is Kid Flash now. Wouldn't make much sense to have two Kid Flashes, would it?" he asks.
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