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dc_parent ([info]dc_parent) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-03-28 22:31:00

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Entry tags:ash curry, cait curry, npc - aquaman, npc - cerdian, npc - dolphin, npc - mera, tempest, tyler darnell

Family Reunion (open to Atlanteans)
Arthur walked through the ruins of Poseidonis. The jewel of Atlantis lay mostly in ruins and was now floating on the surface of the ocean. Her sister city of Tritonis was in ruins on the ocean floor. Arthur's kingdom was in ruins, but the people were alive. They would rebuild and Atlantis would flourish again. Arthur would spend the rest of his life making sure of that.

He looked around at the ruins of the city and the people moving about. Arthur already had the council on his back for a meeting, but he told them it could wait. He had to make sure his people were provided for first. A good majority of the newly resurrected citizens had been evacuated to Cerdia, but even Cerdia couldn't hold all of the citizens of Poseidonis. Personnel essential to rebuilding were here now and ready to get started.

Arthur looked over at Mera and smiled. No matter what happened they'd get through it together. His gaze wandered and fell on Ash. Arthur had heard she had assumed the throne and with Garth's help led the surviving people of Atlantis to safety in a remote area away from the two ruined cities. When word that the dead had been restored to life, Garth and Ash led the people back to Poseidonis and they had just arrived.

Mera. Garth. Dolphin. Cerdian. Ash. Just one person was missing from his family. Cait. Thoughts of his daughter added some weight to his shoulders. He had to find her and see if she had been brought back. He couldn't imagine having to go through the rest of his life without her in it.

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2011-04-03 07:16 pm UTC (link)
"It's not far and I'm going to see if the old truck still runs." Cait's Grandfather had an old pickup truck that he had used to go into town. He taught Cait to drive it before his health started to decline. Toward the end of his days Cait had driven it by herself into town for supplies. Knowing how to drive would come back to her once she climbed in.

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2011-04-03 07:19 pm UTC (link)
If it doesn't, I'll fix it back better than new. Just let me know.

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2011-04-03 07:23 pm UTC (link)
"I will," she said. Though she knew she would just walk if the truck didn't start. It was only a mile and a half into town. Cait had walked it many times.

"I'll be back soon. Promise."

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