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Robin Kane ([info]raisingkane) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-03-27 23:12:00

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Entry tags:huntress, inactive - robin kane

Gotham By Daylight
She was perched on a rooftop across from the Gotham Bank, peering down carefully with binoculars.

"Shouldn't I be in school?"

"Not today kiddo.  Got a hot tip there was going to be a bank robbery today.  You can't buy publicity like that."

"It's just that I had a test today and I've got a research paper do and..."

"Sweetie, trust me.  When you're a famous super-hero, you can find people to do that for you."

"...If you say so, Mom."

She shivered a little.  It was entirely too cold to be running around in short sleeves, a skirt, and thin tights.  But it was the costume her mother had insisted on.  Because it was what Flamebird wore. 

"Police scanner just picked up a silent alarm.  You should go in.  Through the skylight.  Remember to say something dramatic.  Remind them who you are."

"Yes, Mom..."

Robin Kane fumbled with her grapnel, firing it onto the roof of the bank.  She'd swing over, then maybe come down through the skylight.  After she'd scoped out what was going on inside.

...She was going to get herself killed doing this, she just knew.  But try telling that to her mother...

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