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Damien al Ghul/Damien Wilson ([info]headofthedemon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Damien sat up just as the compound erupted in a fireball.

He looked around him and did not find his mother /or/ his sister.

"No. No, no, no. NO!" he yells, ignoring the protestations of his wounded stomach. Morgaine would be with him right now, if she were alive. She would be helping him plot his next move, if she were here.

Did I not give her enough time? Did Ra's send someone after her?

Damien Wilson has only cried twice in his life. Once when he was young and first learned what pain was.

The second was now, as he tried to contemplate the rest of his life without his younger sister. She was meant to die, they told him, in his name. Morgaine's existence was his to spend as he wished, when he wished.

Damien had always loved her, despite every warning he'd been given. She was sister, and the only member of his family who never sought to use him. The only member of his family who was /always/ there for him. Even Mother went away frequently for months at a time, but Morgaine was always there for him.

And now she was gone.

Damien rises to his feet, feeling the wound burn and protest, but he does not care. Pain, death and life no longer matter to him.

He will stop Ra's al Ghul from harming his wife and children. He will not let his babies learn what it is to lose a sibling.

And he will cut Ra's al Ghul's heart from his chest and devour it whole before consigning the man back to hell.

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