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Damien al Ghul/Damien Wilson ([info]headofthedemon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-03-26 08:39:00

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Plans within plans.
Damien Wilson is exhausted from all of his recent tribulations. The plane ride back to Morocco allows him much time to think, as he is not interested in sleep. His mother is alive and his sister is safe. There is little more that Damien can ask for at this point in time.

If he were to ask, though, he would ask that his pregnant wife was with them.

How could he make Lian understand that they could be happy together if they just tried? She was afraid to give up her family and friends for love, and they had hurt each other deeply in many ways. If only the Atlantean had stayed dead, Damien believed that Lian, in time, would have come to forgive him for his murder. As it worked out, however, Damien's recent actions were negated by the Black Entity, and the dead were returned to live.

But he still remembered the schematics for his machine. He also knew that Jai West was alive, and how to find him. He could duplicate the effects whenever he wished.

"It is time to establish new forward bases." Damien says without preamble. "I have three locations in mind. We also must diversify our interests, and I believe the casino industry is the way to go. Two of our new bases will be completed in those locations.  However, we are being sought and monitored. Mother, you will contact and get development bids for Las Vegas and Macau. We'll turn a profit in both locations quickly enough.

Then, we will establish our new base at the third location, which I have mapped out. I intend to reunite my family in that location, once and for all. Our friends in Star City will need to be dealt with as well. Morgaine, once you are rested, you are going to release someone from prison for me." Damien commands.

He sits back in his chair and relaxes, finally closing his eyes. They remain that way for nearly a minute, while a nagging worry that sat at the edge of Damien's mind rose to the fore.

His eyes open again and he looks at his mother.

"Mother, what resources do we have in the way of magic?" he asks.


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