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Mikaela "Mickey" Rayner ([info]greengenes) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-03-25 17:29:00

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Entry tags:cat grant, cindy lord, inactive - mickey rayner, inactive - mikey dugan, inactive - nicolette hall, inactive - warhawk, inactive - zor-l, will freeman

Could we start again please? (Open to JSA)
Mickey stood in the Brownstone, just staring into the living room.

The last time she was here, she had attacked her friends and tried to rip out her boyfriend's heart. She actually did succeed in ripping out her boyfriend's heart.

Her memory of what she had done was fuzzy at best, but none of it from what she could remember, was good.

She hoped that they would take her back. The JSA was like family to her, and it broke her heart that she tried to do those terrible things to her. But after all she had done, she wouldn't blame them if they never wanted to see her again.

Mickey just hoped that they could patch things up and move forward. And so she didn't go anywhere, choosing to just stand and wait for the first person that walked into the room.

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2011-03-27 04:40 pm UTC (link)
There is a knock at the front door.

Please, god, let this be true. If she's here, I swear, I'll even let Rex say anything he wants about me, as long as she's /here/. Angie thinks to herself.

She takes a deep breath and waits.

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2011-03-27 08:53 pm UTC (link)
"I've got it!" Mickey called out as went to go get the door.

When she saw who was on the other side, Mickey just wrapped Angie in a hug.

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2011-03-27 10:07 pm UTC (link)
Angie can barely believe her eyes, but she wraps her favorite Green Bean in a bone-crushing hug.

"I swear, if you ever make me cry like this again, I'm going to follow you and drag you back to the land of the living." Angie says, her voice breaking as she hugs Mickey.

"Are you okay? Have you seen your parents yet?" she asks.

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2011-03-27 10:40 pm UTC (link)
Mickey hugged Angie back, smiling. "Got it, Ange," she said.

"I'm fine. I went to my house a little earlier and saw my parents."

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2011-03-28 12:22 am UTC (link)
Angie wipes her eyes and smiles.

"Girl, you look great. Mind if I come inside? Or should I leave? If Rex is here, I don't want to start anything..." she says.

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2011-04-02 03:07 am UTC (link)
"If he says anything, I'll give him a wedgie the size of Texas," Mickey said, leading her inside. "We can go in the kitchen and talk."

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