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Mia Dearden/Red Arrow ([info]redarrowmia) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"The insanity's an acquired taste," Mia said with a laugh.

She waited until everyone was settled in and started eating before making her first announcement.

"Like Zach and I said, we have a couple of things to tell you," she said.

"The first being, as you know, I was in the hospital for a few days so the doctors could run some tests on me," she said. Mia reached over, picking up the papers next to her chair.

"At first...I thought that my HIV might have been triggered into full-blown AIDS with my coming back from the dead...but..." Mia couldn't help it any more, she grinned holding out the papers with her test results on it.

"The doctors are calling it a medical miracle. I don't know what else to call it, but I agree with them.

I'm clean. I'm a hundred percent HIV free."

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