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Cerdian ([info]violettidemage) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-03-24 23:20:00

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Entry tags:npc - cerdian, npc - dolphin, tempest

What do I do with this life left to me...?
Cerdian escorts his mother home to Poseidonis in silence, wanting to make sure that his father doesn't suffer in ignorance.

Upon their arrival, however, they are met by several soldiers who draw their weapons and do not look overjoyed to see them.


"What is the meaning of this? " Cerdian asks.

"Say nothing else, Cerdian. We are calling for Lord Garth right now." 

Lord Garth? When did /that/ happen?

"Please tell my father that my mother and I are here. He will want to see us." Cerdian says, as something beyond the soldier catches his eye.

Poseidonis was in ruins.

"What happened to the city?" Cerdian asks, staring on in shock.

"You and Princess Caitria happened." the lead soldier says.

Cerdian's only expression is shock.


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2011-03-25 05:14 am UTC (link)
Dolphin kissed Garth like she hadn't kissed him in the longest time. Which, she hadn't. "Later, I will show you how much I missed you, my love," she whispered in his ear.

She embraces her son and husband, not wanting to ever let them go.

"We will go home then, Cerdian," she said in a soothing voice, like she did when he was little.

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