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Dinadan Palmer ([info]sonoftheatom) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-14 23:36:00

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Entry tags:dinadan palmer, inactive - henry jordan, petra gardner

Over My Head
If someone were to ask Dinadan Palmer what his favorite part of the week was, he’d tell them Friday afternoon; specifically late Friday afternoon when the school week is over and he’s finished his weapons’ training for the day, and the weekend stretches out glorious and free ahead of him. It’s exactly that time now, and he feels at ease with his world.

He weaves a little as he walks to his bedroom, since he hasn’t quite mastered the art of walking and towel-drying his hair at the same time, but he doesn’t knock into anything or trip over his own feet (today), so it doesn’t really matter. He reaches his bedroom and tosses the towel into his laundry hamper, flicking on the radio for some music while he gets dressed and makes plans for his freedom.

This is ultimately why Dinadan is playing air-guitar in his underwear when Henry puts his plan into action.

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2010-03-27 01:22 am UTC (link)
She's totally making him blush on purpose now, with the finger-sucking and the eye contact. So why is he blushing anyway?

"Uh, well, I like you. You seem interesting, and it's fun talking to you."

He wouldn't use the word "comfort" for the situation though. It's not exactly bad, though.

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2010-03-27 01:29 am UTC (link)
She smiles at him. A nice casually relaxed smile. "Thanks sweetie, I like you too."

She sits back in her chair, choosing her next words carefully.

"Just to be honest with you, I'd like going out with you again sometime, but gimme a while before I decide if I want to call you 'boyfriend' instead of just 'dating'. That okay with you?"

A beat.

"I'm still totally up for you coming back to my place though, if you're interested."

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2010-03-27 04:36 am UTC (link)
Dinadan sighs in relief. Good, she likes him okay, he'd hate to be boring her.

He holds his hands up, smiling. "I'm fine with that. Slow and casual works just fine for me."

Then the next bit. Gnuh.

"Err, hypothetically, what rating would going back to your place get if it were in a movie?"

He's blushing again. Still? No, again.

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2010-03-27 06:55 am UTC (link)
She smiles and extends a hand across the table, beckoning for his own. Once he extends it, she gives it an affectionate squeeze, running her thumb across the back of his palm.

"I've never really been much for the traditional dating stuff, probably because I never stayed anywhere too long, but I would like to get to know you better and have a good time. So, you're okay with being 'dating' instead of being my boyfriend? If you still want to date anyone else to see where it goes, or have fun with them, that's fine too."

She figures putting it that way, and leaving him to assume the other part of it on her end is tactful enough. Leave it for him to state anything extra.

Petra tilts her head and grins as he asks for a rating.

"Five stars and two thumbs up, I hope." She winks, then waves a hand to tell him to relax. "I'm open to whatever you like, most likely, but I was hoping to at least get you on my couch, if not in my bed. Nothing your average sexy young person our age wouldn't be doing at, say, the movies."

She seems to sober slightly. "Din, I know I'm a big flirt, or tease, or both, but I don't want to be mean to you. If you ever want me to back down from anything, you just have to ask. But you do have to actually ask."

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2010-03-27 07:18 pm UTC (link)
"I'm just fine with that," Dinadan says, still blushing a little. "And- And, what you said about me dating and other stuff with other people goes for you too." Bluuuuuuuuuuushiiiiiiiiing. He takes a sip of water to settle himself. No effect on the color of his face, but it at least helps his brain stop spinning.

"Uh. Maybe couch. I think couch might be doable. Maybe with a movie?" He is never going to be able to stop blushing ever again. "I mean, I'd have to check with my dad first, but we, uh, need to get the car back anyway, so we can do that then." He ducks his head and smiles gratefully at her. "If something you do makes me really uncomfortable, I'll say something, I promise. Thank you."

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2010-03-27 08:14 pm UTC (link)
She gives him a smoldering gaze, running her tongue gently over her lips.

"Then I think we both know where we stand.." She smiles at him, stroking her foot up his leg again, before finally settling in on the menu and the rest of her appetizers.

Meat. Meat was in order.

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2010-03-31 03:51 am UTC (link)
Argle. Mff. Glurble.

He really hopes that's just general incoherency rather than the language of the cultists. Dinadan blushes more and ducks behind his menu as well.

He's also smiling.

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