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Dinadan Palmer ([info]sonoftheatom) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-14 23:36:00

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Entry tags:dinadan palmer, inactive - henry jordan, petra gardner

Over My Head
If someone were to ask Dinadan Palmer what his favorite part of the week was, he’d tell them Friday afternoon; specifically late Friday afternoon when the school week is over and he’s finished his weapons’ training for the day, and the weekend stretches out glorious and free ahead of him. It’s exactly that time now, and he feels at ease with his world.

He weaves a little as he walks to his bedroom, since he hasn’t quite mastered the art of walking and towel-drying his hair at the same time, but he doesn’t knock into anything or trip over his own feet (today), so it doesn’t really matter. He reaches his bedroom and tosses the towel into his laundry hamper, flicking on the radio for some music while he gets dressed and makes plans for his freedom.

This is ultimately why Dinadan is playing air-guitar in his underwear when Henry puts his plan into action.

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2010-03-31 02:49 am UTC (link)
"Hi," he says, feeling the blush creeping back up his neck again at her stare. At least she really did mean "more comfortable". And he knows for a fact that her father isn't likely to walk in on them and do something horrible to him. "Nice place."

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2010-03-31 02:59 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, I get by. Daddy wanted to get me something nicer, but I wanted the real 'first apartment' experience. Well, a little nicer than that, but not plush."

She saunters over and joins him on the couch, leaning in and giving him just a simple kiss on the cheek, then resting her head on his shoulder.

"So... you're awfully sweet. I'd like to do this again sometime."

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2010-03-31 04:21 am UTC (link)
Dinadan sits up straighter to make her putting her head on his shoulder easier, even as he blinks in confusion. That...sounds like an end-of-date conversation starter. But he'd just gotten here, if she'd wanted to end the date, why bother having him come over and sit awkwardly on her couch and...

It occurs to him that he ought to respond favorably instead of sitting there in confused silence. "I would too. You're a really interesting girl, and I had fun tonight."

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2010-03-31 04:23 am UTC (link)
Petra spots the confusion on his face and chuckles, nuzzling along his neck as she pulls her legs up on the couch, leaning into him more.

"I can guess how that sounded. I was just trying to relax you. You're a sweetheart, and definitely getting a second date, Din."

She kisses his neck softly. "Although honestly, I'm still kind of curious about what's left of this one."

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2010-04-01 03:56 am UTC (link)
"Oh good, I'm glad. Because I had fun too."

Dinadan relaxes a little. Sort of. Well, it's less 'relaxing' and more like 'oh hey, neck. Girl. Neck. Yes,' and fidgeting in such a manner as to give her more access to that particular body part. He also pulls his arm out from between them and carefully puts it around her shoulders, something he's aware is only possible because she's hunkered down so that she can do -- whoa! -- things like that.

"M-Me too."

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2010-04-01 05:08 pm UTC (link)
Petra notices that her companion seems to be straining his neck to accommodate her and giggles. "Here, let's try it this way.."

She sits up, then actually has him sit across her lap. This puts them at about eye level with one another, and lets her drape her arms around his waist, not being terribly shy about his ass.

"Better?" She gives him a kiss on the mouth.

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2010-04-05 07:57 am UTC (link)
And there's another wave of blushing. At least with all the blood in his body located in his face, he won't have to worry about any other embarrassing reactions.

"Uh-huh," he says, kissing back. Being in a hot girl's lap is hardly a bad position to be in, even if it is kind of...damsel-y. But it's not like anyone but Petra's there to see it and tease him about it, so he should be okay...

He probably shouldn't be thinking this much while making out.

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2010-04-05 04:26 pm UTC (link)
Don't worry Din, Petra will do enough not-thinking for the both of you for the next hour or so.


One hour, one lost shirt, and a gradual move to a more horizontal occupation of the couch, and they're comfortably curled up together. Petra's got her head resting rather comfortably on Din's shoulder, stroking his chest.

"Mmm..." She stretches out. "Not a bad evening at all. Wouldn't you say?" She kisses his chest.

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2010-04-09 03:59 am UTC (link)
"Definitely not," Dinadan says, a little breathlessly. He is never, ever going to stop blushing, but he's kind of okay with that. Petra is warm and smells nice and apparently likes him enough to not be disappointed about not getting all the way to 'lucky', which is really lucky on his part. He just hopes that she won't get bored with him. And that her dad won't disapprove of him. And that...

...You know what? He's just going to snuggle with her and not think more. It seems to have served him well this past hour.

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2010-04-09 04:28 am UTC (link)
"Suppose I'm a bad hostess. Didn't even give you the grand tour when you got here." She drags a nail gently over his skin, drawing little swirls over his chest, shifting her head enough to pepper kisses along his collarbone and neck.

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2010-04-09 06:18 am UTC (link)
"Nnnno, you're not a bad hostess," Dinadan squeaks, wriggling a little under her fingernail and lips. Nff. Also: glurble. "I mean, uh, there was...conversaTION and, uh, stuff."

Not his most eloquent speech ever, but he's lying on a couch with a hot girl touching him. He figures that he gets points for not having been reduced to pointing and grunting.

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2010-04-09 02:51 pm UTC (link)
She grins. "Yeah, there was definitely 'stuff'." She untangles herself and tugs him up from the couch. "At least let me show you the view. Come on, walk around a bit. It'll get some of the blood back to your brain and legs." She winks at him.

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2010-04-12 05:52 pm UTC (link)
Dinadan lets her drag him to his feet and glances around to see if he can spot where his shirt and sweater have disappeared to. Not that he needs them right now, but if he needs to grab them in a hurry for some reason...

He blushes again when she teases him about blood flow, and does a quick pants check, just in case.

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2010-04-12 09:18 pm UTC (link)
Petra actually spots the clothes and steals them away with a smirk. She tosses them over a shoulder and moves out to the balcony, beckoning him to follow.

It's not exactly a picturesque view looking downwards, but she's got the sky, with nothing immediately blocking her view. She rests her arms on the rail and enjoys the updraft.

"Not exactly on Central Park, but not bad."

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2010-04-14 05:40 am UTC (link)
Dinadan chases after his shirt anyway and slips it on over his shoulders. It's still cold enough outside to make wandering around topless uncomfortable for him.

He follows her out onto the balcony and, after a brief check where he concludes that he could probably shrink down enough to make the fall survivable if he accidentally went over the rail, he follows her gaze up to the night sky.

Well, sort of. Light pollution makes it hard to see the stars.

"Definitely not bad," he agrees.

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2010-04-14 11:42 am UTC (link)
After a minute or two of that, she tugs him back inside. The living room had already been covered, so they make a quick pass by the kitchen, then to her bedroom.

It's surprisingly neat, done up mostly in black, red, and posters. A king-size bed dominates much of the space.

"Got another room like this, just a lot emptier. Still looking for a roommate."

She pauses, grinning as she approaches him, looping her arms around his waist. "You want it? I promise not to make you pay the rent with your body." She giggles.

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2010-04-15 12:57 am UTC (link)
At least the offer to move in with her distracted his brain from obsessing over the fact that he was in the bedroom of a girl who wasn't Allanah.

"We haven't even known each other for twenty-four hours yet!" he squeaked.

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2010-04-15 01:05 am UTC (link)
She shrugs. "You seem nice, and you like to bake I hear. No apparent hygiene problems, so you probably keep a clean bedroom too. I've taken bigger gambles."

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2010-04-15 01:41 am UTC (link)
"That's a little faster than I'm comfortable moving, thanks," Dinadan says. Hah, see, he can totally communicate his thoughts in methods other than squeaking. "But I can ask around among the graduating seniors at the university, if you'd like?"

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2010-04-15 01:43 am UTC (link)
"Nah, prefer it to be someone I actually meet on my own." She smiles. "You're sweet to offer though." She kisses him again.

After a pause, she decides to just continue along that path. With more kisses.

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2010-04-15 04:41 am UTC (link)
He's being kissed by a girl. In her bedroom. While his shirt is only partially on.

Dinadan is so, so glad that Petra doesn't live with her parents.

"Just thought I'd offer," he says, and tentatively reaches out to pull her closer.

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2010-04-15 04:49 am UTC (link)
"You can offer me plenty, sweetness..." Petra drops her voice an octave and murmurs into his ear, happy to see him taking a bit of the initiative, melding up against him.

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2010-04-15 08:20 am UTC (link)
Hopefully she's not after conversation, because Dinadan's pretty sure that his speech centers just melted.


Of course now that they're off the couch, they've got the height difference to deal with. But he thinks that's manageable, especially if he kisses this spot right here...

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2010-04-15 03:21 pm UTC (link)
Petra lets out a little shiver, then pushes Din down onto the bed, straddling him and kissing him again.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to have my way with you just yet." She kisses his forehead gently. "I would like you to spend the night though." She trails kisses along his jaw. "You're very cozy."

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2010-04-16 03:09 am UTC (link)
Dinadan's first attempt at communication comes out as a slightly panicked squeak, but her reassurances offer him the opportunity to not have a heart-attack and die on the spot.

"Uh. Okay."

Wait, which part of him had just hijacked his mouth? Because his brain would insist on thinking it through for longer than that!

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(no subject) - [info]gal_gardner, 2010-04-16 03:20 am UTC

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