She smiles and extends a hand across the table, beckoning for his own. Once he extends it, she gives it an affectionate squeeze, running her thumb across the back of his palm.
"I've never really been much for the traditional dating stuff, probably because I never stayed anywhere too long, but I would like to get to know you better and have a good time. So, you're okay with being 'dating' instead of being my boyfriend? If you still want to date anyone else to see where it goes, or have fun with them, that's fine too."
She figures putting it that way, and leaving him to assume the other part of it on her end is tactful enough. Leave it for him to state anything extra.
Petra tilts her head and grins as he asks for a rating.
"Five stars and two thumbs up, I hope." She winks, then waves a hand to tell him to relax. "I'm open to whatever you like, most likely, but I was hoping to at least get you on my couch, if not in my bed. Nothing your average sexy young person our age wouldn't be doing at, say, the movies."
She seems to sober slightly. "Din, I know I'm a big flirt, or tease, or both, but I don't want to be mean to you. If you ever want me to back down from anything, you just have to ask. But you do have to actually ask."
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