Nature Hike
Lindsay had been on a number of missions for Project Cadmus and had traveled to a number of different locations across the United States and the globe. Had it been under other circumstances, she might have enjoyed the opportunity to travel, even if it also occasionally meant ending up in the middle of nowhere Louisiana fighting genetic experiments who looked like something out of one of the cartoons her children had watched. And Roger and Johnny were pretty good company, truthfully, even if Roger took some getting used to.
But now they were hiking through the middle of the New Jersey Pine Barrens, on some wild goose chase about possible alien sightings.
Now, Lindsay knew that aliens were real. You didn't grow up in a world that boasted the likes of Superman, Starfire, and had seen numerous alien Green Lanterns, among others, over the course of the years and not believe in aliens. It wasn't even a question of belief. These things just were.
But she had a hard time believing that if aliens were still coming here that they would pick a place like this.
"One of these days," she said to her two companions, "we have got to get a better plan than wandering about until we get attacked by whatever we're looking for."
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