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Lian Harper/Jade Arrow ([info]rightontarget) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-15 13:17:00

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Entry tags:inactive - calypso, inactive - lian harper, inactive - max szasz, joey mason, plot - "blackest night"

"I was just attacked by zombies." "Really? You too?"
Damien had gone with her to about a couple of blocks away from Outsiders HQ, leaving Lian to make the rest of the way by herself. Lian moved slowly, keeping an eye for any of the things that had attacked her and Damien.

When she got to Outsiders Headquarters, the first thing she noticed when she walked into the building was that it looked like it had seen a beating. A pretty big beating. Also, she had to hold to something to keep from wobbling and falling over.

"Anyone here?" She called out. "Cal? You around?" She normally was.

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2011-02-17 02:17 am UTC (link)
"Did your dad...was he really cruel and vindictive?" Lian asked. "And specialized in making you feel like crap?

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