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dc_holiday ([info]dc_holiday) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-14 19:11:00

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Entry tags:green lantern dex, holiday, huntress, inactive - himon, inactive - hope free, inactive - warhawk, mourning dove, npc - batman, zoe torres

Valentine Vignettes

I arise from dreams of thee
In the first sweet sleep of night,
When the winds are breathing low,
And the stars are shining bright.
I arise from dreams of thee,
And a spirit in my feet
Hath led me -- who knows how?
To thy chamber window, Sweet!

The wandering airs they faint
On the dark, the silent stream--
And the Champak's odours
Like sweet thoughts in a dream;
The nightingale's complaint,
It dies upon her heart,
As I must on thine,
O belovèd as thou art!

O lift me from the grass!
I die! I faint! I fail!
Let thy love in kisses rain
On my lips and eyelids pale.
My cheek is cold and white, alas!
My heart beats loud and fast:
O press it to thine own again,
Where it will break at last!

Percy Bysshe Shelley

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2011-02-15 09:20 am UTC (link)
"Makes sense. So what's your usual ground to cover? I have to admit I've been a little haphazard."

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2011-02-15 09:29 am UTC (link)
Back to business. The awkwardness vanished instantly.

She tucked the rose inside her sweater and drew her coat around her more closely. "No set route, so I don't get predictable, but some corners, like where I found you, get a nightly patrol because of the dealers traffic, while others I just check on every so often. I hear about things through the day and check those later. I'm usually on the roof for the vantage point."

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2011-02-15 09:33 am UTC (link)
He listens and nods. "Makes sense. And you've got a heck of an arm, so range isn't really an issue."

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2011-02-15 09:38 am UTC (link)
"All star pitcher back in high school. I'm good with grapes, too. Anyway," she paused as a set of headlights appeared. The car slowed to allow the driver a good look at them. She made a snarling face in the driver's direction and felt some satisfaction that it sped off. "Down here I'm outnumbered if it comes down to a fight, and everybody's armed with something."

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2011-02-15 09:57 am UTC (link)
"Nothing-special left fielder myself. If you'd rather be back up there, we can."

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2011-02-15 08:21 pm UTC (link)
"You mean, me back you up down here on the street?"

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2011-02-15 08:44 pm UTC (link)
"I mean if you'd rather be up on the roof again, you can go back there, and I can try getting up with you until such time's we spot anything. I don't want to make you uncomfortable down here."

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2011-02-15 10:01 pm UTC (link)
"I'm not uncomfortable. When I'm on the street, I'm not looking for trouble. If I find it, it's just me against it. I don't take on a fight I don't think I can walk away from." Desire to see the Triangle safe paled against the real logic of staying alive long enough to do it. "We're okay. The cold keeps a lot of people in and off the streets."

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2011-02-15 10:09 pm UTC (link)
"That definitely makes sense."

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