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zoe_torres ([info]zoe_torres) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
She automatically reached for it, forgetting for a moment to let go of her gun. It fell back into the depths of her pocket as she gingerly took the offered flower. It was probably the prettiest rose she'd ever seen, not that she saw many of them.

"Thanks. Happy Cheap Chocolate Day to you too." She examined the rose closely, checking to see if it had a scent. The ones Mom got from her occasional dates always smelled to her like sprayed on perfume. This one was nice.

A nice gesture always made her feel a little awkward. She countered the feeling with humor that also made her feel awkward. It couldn't be helped. The guy hadn't been anything but nice from the start. "You buttering me up to find out where the ass kicking action is, aren't you?"

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