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Traya Smith ([info]tiny_tornado) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-13 14:30:00

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Black Winds
With the attack on the Young Justice League itself and reports of attacks coming in from the homes of various other teams and heroes, the need to make certain that their families were safe had never been greater.  While Traya tried to force herself to believe that there was little to worry about--her parents were both alive, as was T.O. Morrow--she couldn't help but feel uneasy.

She supposed the Black Lantern version of Jai could still be out there.  Knew it was, really, if what the Lanterns had said was right. But her daddy alone could have kicked that monster's butt. If she was there too, then there would be no problem at all.


She slowed down for a moment. She was certain she'd heard something in the wind. A voice, calling her name.

Traya gathered the winds around her, carrying any near-by sounds. She was over New York City; there were plenty sounds of the city about her, lots of little voices too. Most of it was an incomprehensible babble.


There. There it was again. And it had said more this time too, but in a language she didn't understand. She
it sounded Arabic or maybe... A couple of the girls in the Biaylan Student Association had been teaching her a few simple phrases in Biaylan, but she wasn't even remotely close to fluent.

She dropped out of the sky and landed on a rooftop. Traya concentrated on the winds again, drawing more and more sounds to her on the air. She could swear...

A second voice this time, but in that same language as the first...

"Who's there?" she demanded. "What's going on?!"

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