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Jo Kent/Supergirl ([info]maidofmight) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-11 22:15:00

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Entry tags:cindy lord, npc - jo kent, steven garrick

Still Trying to Help (Open)
Santiago, Chile- Ten Minutes Ago

She /really/ wishes she could fly right now.

Being able to run at super-speed is great, but flying just seems so much faster than running and Jo Kent has no idea why she hasn't figured this out yet. Jon was flying without issue by the time he was her age and she was struggling with it. She pulls the street punks away from the young woman and her younger brother, tossing them into trash cans and dumpsters. She figured it was nice than what most people would do to them.

"Thank you!" the young woman says. "Who are you?" 

"I'm just trying to help." Jo says, unsure of another answer to give. "Now head home, please. And be careful."

Before the woman can speak again, Jo dashes off in a blur of speed toward her next destination.

Coast City, California- Five minutes ago

Jo catches a truck before it can go over the rails of a bridge, easing it back before it can fall into a ditch. She's careful not to let the armed guards inside the vehicle see her as she doesn't want to draw any attention. Let them think that Green Lantern or someone saved them, just not her. Mom would not be happy if she knew Jo was out here doing this. She didn't have a costume or a way to hide her identity yet and she didn't want things to change. She could do this and still be regular-old Jo Kent. This did not mean that she was a Hero Type.

She was gone again before the guards could get around the vehicle.

Brooklyn, New York - Now

The explosion really rang her bell.  She'd gotten the family clear of the vehicle, but she hadn't realized the mobsters were using anti-aircraft weaponry. That wouldn't have been an issue and she probably still could have taken them, if she hadn't noticed that one of the men had a necklace with a green gemstone on it that made Jo feel very, very weak.

Crap...Kryptonite. Not good.

She tried to roll over and get to her feet, but the world was spinning right about now.

If she died, Mom and Jon were going to kill her.


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2011-02-13 10:56 pm UTC (link)
Jo doesn't think about what she's doing, really, now that she's in the rhythm, in the moment of things. She keeps trying to find and help everyoen she can. An older woman here, a little girl there, even a cute little puppy dog.

She takes each of Steven's lessons and reminders and incorporates it into her technique, doing her best to keep from hurting any of the people she's trying to save.

She doesn't forget to remind people that they're going to be okay, or that they're safe now. There's noise coming from the crowd as well, but Jo counts on Steven and Cindy to help anyone on the street.

Supergirl doesn't recognize that the people are cheering her, Cindy and the Flash for their efforts.

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2011-02-13 11:57 pm UTC (link)
Steven is careful with his advice - he's never critical - everything, all at superspeed, is couched in how to do things better, and invariably follows a "Good job!" or some other encouragement and positive feedback. This Supergirl may be doing a lot of good right now, and may be inexperienced right now - but the greatest good, as he can see it, is the long term. Building her up, advising her on the thing he knows as well as almost anyone alive - speed - and use this tragedy to help train a younger heroine for all of the troubled times to come. So if it seems, occasionally, like he's spending too much time gently coaching, and not enough on business - in his own Garrick way, its all about business.

As soon as she's confident that everything is clear, he shifts from containing the fire to starting to run laps, faster and faster, starting to build a contained vortex, beginning to pull the oxygen from the fire.

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2011-02-14 12:07 am UTC (link)
Supergirl's self-esteem swells at Steven's praise, but she's careful not to let it go to her head. That was one of her father's first lessons to her, to stay humble.

Jo simply feeds off the praise, pushing herself harder to make get to every last person she can.

When she's finally unable to do anymore, she lets Steven take over and marvels at what he's able to do. It reminded her a lot of watching her dad on the news when he put out fires or stopped a volcano from erupting.

You /know/ he's capable of it in your mind, but you don't /know/ he's capable of it until you see it and it simply leaves you breathless.

Supergirl does her best not to swoon right now, because that wouldn't be becoming at all.

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2011-02-14 01:16 am UTC (link)
He kicks up the speed a notch for a moment, blurring so fast as to go invisible to do one sweep - its not that he doesn't trust her, but trust - then confirm - is a reasonable motto, he figures. If he does find anyone else in the building, passed out from a lack of air, he moves them to somewhere the others can't see - she got everyone out, yep. If not - then, yep, she got everyone and everything, people and and pets alike, he finishes his sweep, and then completes the vortex, sucking the life out of the fire.

Coming to a stop near the girls, he pats both Jo and Cindy on the back.

"You did great."

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2011-02-14 01:23 am UTC (link)
"So did you!" Supergirl exclaims. "You were amazing. I thought I was fast until today. I've still got a lot to learn, but I'm going to use everything you showed me, Flash.

We all did this together." she smiles.

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2011-02-14 04:04 am UTC (link)
Cindy just beams.

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