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Jo Kent/Supergirl ([info]maidofmight) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-11 22:15:00

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Entry tags:cindy lord, npc - jo kent, steven garrick

Still Trying to Help (Open)
Santiago, Chile- Ten Minutes Ago

She /really/ wishes she could fly right now.

Being able to run at super-speed is great, but flying just seems so much faster than running and Jo Kent has no idea why she hasn't figured this out yet. Jon was flying without issue by the time he was her age and she was struggling with it. She pulls the street punks away from the young woman and her younger brother, tossing them into trash cans and dumpsters. She figured it was nice than what most people would do to them.

"Thank you!" the young woman says. "Who are you?" 

"I'm just trying to help." Jo says, unsure of another answer to give. "Now head home, please. And be careful."

Before the woman can speak again, Jo dashes off in a blur of speed toward her next destination.

Coast City, California- Five minutes ago

Jo catches a truck before it can go over the rails of a bridge, easing it back before it can fall into a ditch. She's careful not to let the armed guards inside the vehicle see her as she doesn't want to draw any attention. Let them think that Green Lantern or someone saved them, just not her. Mom would not be happy if she knew Jo was out here doing this. She didn't have a costume or a way to hide her identity yet and she didn't want things to change. She could do this and still be regular-old Jo Kent. This did not mean that she was a Hero Type.

She was gone again before the guards could get around the vehicle.

Brooklyn, New York - Now

The explosion really rang her bell.  She'd gotten the family clear of the vehicle, but she hadn't realized the mobsters were using anti-aircraft weaponry. That wouldn't have been an issue and she probably still could have taken them, if she hadn't noticed that one of the men had a necklace with a green gemstone on it that made Jo feel very, very weak.

Crap...Kryptonite. Not good.

She tried to roll over and get to her feet, but the world was spinning right about now.

If she died, Mom and Jon were going to kill her.


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2011-02-12 06:25 am UTC (link)
"I'm..." Cindy pants. "Okay..." She looks behind and discovers that Mr. Accusation didn't follow her around that turn. Then she slows down considerably and pants some more.
Absolute first things first. "Is Nic okay?" In all this craziness going on, it was good to keep tabs.
Then, after more breathing -- running like hell after all that Asking Nicely was extra hard -- "I think I have kryptonite."

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2011-02-12 04:30 pm UTC (link)
"Nic is fine... not happy, but... you know. Want me to dispose of that for you?"

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2011-02-12 07:11 pm UTC (link)
Cindy nods. "That'd be good."

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2011-02-13 02:46 pm UTC (link)
After Jo is done depositing these bad guys at the police station, she's still a little woozy, but she has to make sure that girl who saved her is okay.

She goes looking around near the scene, hoping the girl is okay.

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2011-02-13 03:54 pm UTC (link)
"Find somewhere safe to get rid of it, Steven. I think she might be still around."

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2011-02-13 03:57 pm UTC (link)
Steven nods, taking the kryptonite. In a literal blink, he's gone.

About ten seconds later, he's back, minus the kryptonite. "There, safely tucked away in the JSA vault. Sorry that took so long, I forgot the combination, so I had to try them all."

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2011-02-13 04:04 pm UTC (link)
Jo races about, looking for the girl in question, hoping that if she can't find her that she at least got home safely.

Turning down a particular alley, she comes upon the girl herself and another person. Jo notices thus far that she doesn't feel sick or anything. Maybe she threw the Kryptonite.

"Hey, excuse me. I just wanted to say thanks for the save. You saved my life and I appreciate it." Jo says.

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2011-02-13 04:42 pm UTC (link)
Cindy throws her arms around Steven when he gets back and just hugs.
And then the girl's there. Cindy wonders if it's Jon's little sister or Zandor's. Oh. Right. Zandor's is dead. Everything sucks so much these days.
"You're very welcome. We got rid of the Kryptonite. Nobody'll be wearing it at you again."

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2011-02-13 04:45 pm UTC (link)
Steven returns the hug. He could use it, but he's glad he was able to help here, anyway.

"Hey, anything for the A-listers." Which, if kryptonite hurts her, this girl is, even if she doesn't look familiar - don't feel bad Jo, anyone not associated with the speed force or the JSA is unfamiliar to Steven.

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2011-02-13 04:48 pm UTC (link)
Jo is currently thriving on being unknown. She shouldn't even be out here, truthfully. If Jon had seen what happened today, there would definitely be A Talk coming.

"Thanks, both of you." Jo says. These two look pretty close and Jo suddenly feels as though she just walked into a private moment.

"I didn't mean to interrupt you guys. I...should go now, before someone from the JLA or JSA shows up and reports me." she says.

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2011-02-13 04:51 pm UTC (link)
"Our lips are sealed. I hope your family's holding up okay."

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2011-02-13 05:01 pm UTC (link)
Don't worry Jo - that's just Cindy. Steven would never get in the way of Cindy's girlfriend. no matter how hot Nic is.

"Little late - Steven Garrick, JSA." he says, extending a hand. "I'm not reporting anyone today... I hate paperwork. And, trust me, glad for any help we can get out here."

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2011-02-13 06:39 pm UTC (link)
Jo was a little surprised at Cindy's comment, but then she just puts on her best smile. It wouldn't do to look pitiful in front of these two.

"We're doing the best we can, just like everyone else, Miss." Jo says.

"Nice to meet you, Steven." Jo says as she tries not to stare at Steven. He's hot, but he seems really sad.

"Call me...Supergirl."

She mentally palmed her face the moment she said it. Why did she pick /that/ name?

"And I'm just trying to help out, like everyone else, too. You're right, Steven. We all need to back each other up and help out. I just hope we're close to the end of all this insanity, rather than the beginning."

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2011-02-13 06:48 pm UTC (link)
"Hoping's about all we can do. I'm Cindy."

She decides to be relieved that Jon doesn't go around going home and saying 'Cindy's the short stubby one.'

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2011-02-13 06:56 pm UTC (link)
"Nice to have you on our side, Supergirl." he responds without hesitation. "Couldn't help but notice the super speed. Doing rapid response duty? If so, and if Cindy doesn't mind being carried, I can keep quiet about having tagalongs - we can use the JSA coms to coordinate and get some of the biggest trouble spots."

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2011-02-13 07:14 pm UTC (link)
"Super-speed is something I can do, yeah. I'm willing to help anyway I can, though I've just been watching the news anywhere I can.

I think teaming up is a great idea." Jo says, her pride at being asked to help outweighing the lameness she secretly feels at not knowing how to fly.

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2011-02-13 08:02 pm UTC (link)
"Sounds like a great plan, then. I don't mind your carrying me, Steven." She has to specify Steven. It's not that she couldn't trust Jon's sister, but she didn't want any hot girl but Nic carrying her, on principle.

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2011-02-13 08:10 pm UTC (link)
Steven picks Cindy up, and starts off, trying to figure out how fast Supergirl is so he can match pace.

"Disturbance in Chicago, starting to look like a riot... with arson involved. So... how long have you been at this super heroing thing, Supergirl?"

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2011-02-13 08:17 pm UTC (link)
Jo immediately realizes that Steven is fast. Maybe even faster than the Flash. In fact, he looks like a Flash. She really, really needed to start asking Jon more about who was out there these days.

She takes off as well, trying not to destroy the scenery or landscape with her speed, like Dad always reminded her. Steven finds it easy to keep pace with her; in fact, she's probably going slower than he's used to, though it's fast for her.

She's still getting used to the whole speed thing.

"I don't do this often, Steven. I'm helping where I can because Superman is working 'round the clock to keep people safe wherever he can.

I can't really do any less and call myself Supergirl." she finishes, trying to figure out their ETA from the last time she was in Chicago.

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2011-02-13 08:24 pm UTC (link)
As she holds on and breathes steadily, Cindy takes a moment to realize that by 'Superman is working 'round the clock,' she means Jon. Poor Jon. She's got no idea what that's like, but it has to be a heck of a burden to shoulder.

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2011-02-13 08:34 pm UTC (link)
"Ok then, Supergirl, I'm going to teach you a couple of speed tricks. No vibrating molecules or anything. How to grab people without slowing down but without giving them whiplash when you run, improving your cornering a little - while we're on our way."

he pauses a moment. There's no ego in hi comments. Its one of the nicest things about Flashes. While others have 'the Batfamily', 'the Arrows', and whatever else, based on themes, there's still always the question of 'who is Robin and who is Nightwing? Who needs a different costume?' - When Barry started, and called himself the Flash, Jay's reaction in every world Steven saw was always 'hey, me too, welcome to the family'. Jay is the Flash. Wally is the Flash. Barry is the Flash. Someday there will be others - and only other people see any problem with that.

And that experience has shaped Steven's approach. Get the job done. If you know something, help the next guy out.

"And after I teach you those tricks, I'm going to lend you some speed, so don't be startled. We'll be more efficient with two of us working in concert at the same pace than trying to keep track of each other. You're also stronger than me, so we can accomplish more working around that. Cindy... can you handle crowd control? Give us some room and monitor coms, line up the biggest five or six jobs in city limits for us while we hit the fire zone?"

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2011-02-13 08:38 pm UTC (link)
Cindy nods. "Can do."

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2011-02-13 08:43 pm UTC (link)
Jo nods, definitely charmed by Steven's willingness to teach and help out. In a way, it remind her of her father.

And maybe if she can learn to be faster, it will make up for her being unable to fly.

"Okay, Flash. Do you mind if I call you that? What am I learning to do first?" she asks.

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2011-02-13 08:49 pm UTC (link)
Steven reaches out and touches Jo, infusing her with Speedforce energy. He slows down, she speeds up, until he finds about the evening point. At no point during the process does he stop running.

"I don't mind at all."

He follows this by giving a few tips on how to use the speed and brace people to rescue folks without needing to slow down, without injuring anyone, and how to shift momentum better - and a few tips on using the speed force currently surrounding her to help her with that.

"Ok, we're approaching the fire zone. Cindy is going to try and keep the crowd back. Take a deep, deep breath and hold it. You're on rescue detail - get everyone out of the fire zone. If you have the 'super' thing going, guessing you can see through walls, or hear kittens, or something. You need to get everyone out. The speed force protects you from heat, if you're not immune already. You can carry more than I can, and find people better - so you have that job. I'm going to start working on a controlled vortex to start stealing oxygen from the fire. I can't finish it though til everything living in there is out. Got it?"

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2011-02-13 09:10 pm UTC (link)
Cindy nods, and once they get there and she's set down, she starts as soon as she's able with "LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, PLEASE ...." And starts dispensing instruction to get the mobile crowd moving away safely.

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2011-02-13 09:12 pm UTC (link)
The energy of the Speed Force makes Jo's mental synapses fire off even faster than her Kryptonian heritage normally does, which is still pretty fast. She understands nearly immediately the hints and tricks that Flash is showing her, almost envisioning exactly what she will do and how she will do it in her mind.

She takes a deep breath and readies herself for her task, Listening for anyone who is in trouble inside those buildings. She can hear people calling for help, even from this distance and resolves that she's going to save everyone she possibly can.

The fire isn't really an issue for her, but knowing that the Speed Force protects her as well makes her really good about being able to do this. She lets her eyes unfocus just a little, and Really Looks at the buildings in the fire zone.

She nods at Flash and darts into the first building and racing toward the first person she can see, trapped under a wooden beam. The beam is quickly lifted and Supergirl is bringing her out and setting her on the ground with the surrounding citizens.

Four more people are helped in his way as Jo darts into and out of the building, going from door to door to aid anyone in reach.

She had to admit that this felt /great/.

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2011-02-13 09:34 pm UTC (link)
Steven plays subtle cheerleader every time he moves past Jo. One of the great tricks to the speed force - the question is never 'do I have time to save everyone?' - because the law of speed says you do. The question, in fact, is never 'if' when it comes to 'fast enough' - its always "how" - and since she hasn't started flying yet, as many times as it would be practical, Steven has guessed she can't fly.

So if she's going to be a speedster, he's going to help her be the best speedster he can. Its a family tradition, after all.

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2011-02-13 10:25 pm UTC (link)
Cindy keeps giving them civilian-free room to work and looks into other problems as asked.

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2011-02-13 10:56 pm UTC (link)
Jo doesn't think about what she's doing, really, now that she's in the rhythm, in the moment of things. She keeps trying to find and help everyoen she can. An older woman here, a little girl there, even a cute little puppy dog.

She takes each of Steven's lessons and reminders and incorporates it into her technique, doing her best to keep from hurting any of the people she's trying to save.

She doesn't forget to remind people that they're going to be okay, or that they're safe now. There's noise coming from the crowd as well, but Jo counts on Steven and Cindy to help anyone on the street.

Supergirl doesn't recognize that the people are cheering her, Cindy and the Flash for their efforts.

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2011-02-13 11:57 pm UTC (link)
Steven is careful with his advice - he's never critical - everything, all at superspeed, is couched in how to do things better, and invariably follows a "Good job!" or some other encouragement and positive feedback. This Supergirl may be doing a lot of good right now, and may be inexperienced right now - but the greatest good, as he can see it, is the long term. Building her up, advising her on the thing he knows as well as almost anyone alive - speed - and use this tragedy to help train a younger heroine for all of the troubled times to come. So if it seems, occasionally, like he's spending too much time gently coaching, and not enough on business - in his own Garrick way, its all about business.

As soon as she's confident that everything is clear, he shifts from containing the fire to starting to run laps, faster and faster, starting to build a contained vortex, beginning to pull the oxygen from the fire.

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2011-02-14 12:07 am UTC (link)
Supergirl's self-esteem swells at Steven's praise, but she's careful not to let it go to her head. That was one of her father's first lessons to her, to stay humble.

Jo simply feeds off the praise, pushing herself harder to make get to every last person she can.

When she's finally unable to do anymore, she lets Steven take over and marvels at what he's able to do. It reminded her a lot of watching her dad on the news when he put out fires or stopped a volcano from erupting.

You /know/ he's capable of it in your mind, but you don't /know/ he's capable of it until you see it and it simply leaves you breathless.

Supergirl does her best not to swoon right now, because that wouldn't be becoming at all.

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2011-02-14 01:16 am UTC (link)
He kicks up the speed a notch for a moment, blurring so fast as to go invisible to do one sweep - its not that he doesn't trust her, but trust - then confirm - is a reasonable motto, he figures. If he does find anyone else in the building, passed out from a lack of air, he moves them to somewhere the others can't see - she got everyone out, yep. If not - then, yep, she got everyone and everything, people and and pets alike, he finishes his sweep, and then completes the vortex, sucking the life out of the fire.

Coming to a stop near the girls, he pats both Jo and Cindy on the back.

"You did great."

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2011-02-14 01:23 am UTC (link)
"So did you!" Supergirl exclaims. "You were amazing. I thought I was fast until today. I've still got a lot to learn, but I'm going to use everything you showed me, Flash.

We all did this together." she smiles.

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2011-02-14 04:04 am UTC (link)
Cindy just beams.

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