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Jo Kent/Supergirl ([info]maidofmight) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Supergirl's self-esteem swells at Steven's praise, but she's careful not to let it go to her head. That was one of her father's first lessons to her, to stay humble.

Jo simply feeds off the praise, pushing herself harder to make get to every last person she can.

When she's finally unable to do anymore, she lets Steven take over and marvels at what he's able to do. It reminded her a lot of watching her dad on the news when he put out fires or stopped a volcano from erupting.

You /know/ he's capable of it in your mind, but you don't /know/ he's capable of it until you see it and it simply leaves you breathless.

Supergirl does her best not to swoon right now, because that wouldn't be becoming at all.

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