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MadeOfGoesFast ([info]madeofgoesfast) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Steven is careful with his advice - he's never critical - everything, all at superspeed, is couched in how to do things better, and invariably follows a "Good job!" or some other encouragement and positive feedback. This Supergirl may be doing a lot of good right now, and may be inexperienced right now - but the greatest good, as he can see it, is the long term. Building her up, advising her on the thing he knows as well as almost anyone alive - speed - and use this tragedy to help train a younger heroine for all of the troubled times to come. So if it seems, occasionally, like he's spending too much time gently coaching, and not enough on business - in his own Garrick way, its all about business.

As soon as she's confident that everything is clear, he shifts from containing the fire to starting to run laps, faster and faster, starting to build a contained vortex, beginning to pull the oxygen from the fire.

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