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Jo Kent/Supergirl ([info]maidofmight) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
The energy of the Speed Force makes Jo's mental synapses fire off even faster than her Kryptonian heritage normally does, which is still pretty fast. She understands nearly immediately the hints and tricks that Flash is showing her, almost envisioning exactly what she will do and how she will do it in her mind.

She takes a deep breath and readies herself for her task, Listening for anyone who is in trouble inside those buildings. She can hear people calling for help, even from this distance and resolves that she's going to save everyone she possibly can.

The fire isn't really an issue for her, but knowing that the Speed Force protects her as well makes her really good about being able to do this. She lets her eyes unfocus just a little, and Really Looks at the buildings in the fire zone.

She nods at Flash and darts into the first building and racing toward the first person she can see, trapped under a wooden beam. The beam is quickly lifted and Supergirl is bringing her out and setting her on the ground with the surrounding citizens.

Four more people are helped in his way as Jo darts into and out of the building, going from door to door to aid anyone in reach.

She had to admit that this felt /great/.

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