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MadeOfGoesFast ([info]madeofgoesfast) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Steven reaches out and touches Jo, infusing her with Speedforce energy. He slows down, she speeds up, until he finds about the evening point. At no point during the process does he stop running.

"I don't mind at all."

He follows this by giving a few tips on how to use the speed and brace people to rescue folks without needing to slow down, without injuring anyone, and how to shift momentum better - and a few tips on using the speed force currently surrounding her to help her with that.

"Ok, we're approaching the fire zone. Cindy is going to try and keep the crowd back. Take a deep, deep breath and hold it. You're on rescue detail - get everyone out of the fire zone. If you have the 'super' thing going, guessing you can see through walls, or hear kittens, or something. You need to get everyone out. The speed force protects you from heat, if you're not immune already. You can carry more than I can, and find people better - so you have that job. I'm going to start working on a controlled vortex to start stealing oxygen from the fire. I can't finish it though til everything living in there is out. Got it?"

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