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MadeOfGoesFast ([info]madeofgoesfast) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"Ok then, Supergirl, I'm going to teach you a couple of speed tricks. No vibrating molecules or anything. How to grab people without slowing down but without giving them whiplash when you run, improving your cornering a little - while we're on our way."

he pauses a moment. There's no ego in hi comments. Its one of the nicest things about Flashes. While others have 'the Batfamily', 'the Arrows', and whatever else, based on themes, there's still always the question of 'who is Robin and who is Nightwing? Who needs a different costume?' - When Barry started, and called himself the Flash, Jay's reaction in every world Steven saw was always 'hey, me too, welcome to the family'. Jay is the Flash. Wally is the Flash. Barry is the Flash. Someday there will be others - and only other people see any problem with that.

And that experience has shaped Steven's approach. Get the job done. If you know something, help the next guy out.

"And after I teach you those tricks, I'm going to lend you some speed, so don't be startled. We'll be more efficient with two of us working in concert at the same pace than trying to keep track of each other. You're also stronger than me, so we can accomplish more working around that. Cindy... can you handle crowd control? Give us some room and monitor coms, line up the biggest five or six jobs in city limits for us while we hit the fire zone?"

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