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Jo Kent/Supergirl ([info]maidofmight) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Jo immediately realizes that Steven is fast. Maybe even faster than the Flash. In fact, he looks like a Flash. She really, really needed to start asking Jon more about who was out there these days.

She takes off as well, trying not to destroy the scenery or landscape with her speed, like Dad always reminded her. Steven finds it easy to keep pace with her; in fact, she's probably going slower than he's used to, though it's fast for her.

She's still getting used to the whole speed thing.

"I don't do this often, Steven. I'm helping where I can because Superman is working 'round the clock to keep people safe wherever he can.

I can't really do any less and call myself Supergirl." she finishes, trying to figure out their ETA from the last time she was in Chicago.

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