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Jo Kent/Supergirl ([info]maidofmight) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Jo was a little surprised at Cindy's comment, but then she just puts on her best smile. It wouldn't do to look pitiful in front of these two.

"We're doing the best we can, just like everyone else, Miss." Jo says.

"Nice to meet you, Steven." Jo says as she tries not to stare at Steven. He's hot, but he seems really sad.

"Call me...Supergirl."

She mentally palmed her face the moment she said it. Why did she pick /that/ name?

"And I'm just trying to help out, like everyone else, too. You're right, Steven. We all need to back each other up and help out. I just hope we're close to the end of all this insanity, rather than the beginning."

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