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Jo Kent/Supergirl ([info]maidofmight) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
The further away the Kryptonite gets, the better Jo feels. The men fire on her and the bullets still bounce off her skin, though she can feel them a bit more than she normally does. She knocks both men down faster than the can blink, then watches the not-so-athletic girl run away from the truly-not-athletic man who is chasing her.

The gap between the pair widens, and that's when Jo makes her move. There's a blur of motion, and Jo suddenly in Mr. Accusation's path. Though she's smaller and more slight than him, he bounces off of her as though he just ran into a wall and hits the ground.

"Picking on girls. Tsk, tsk. Didn't your mother teach you manners?" she asks.

And presently, Mr. Accusation is hog-tied and waiting for the police.

Now, Jo wants to find the girl who saved her life and thank her for doing so...after she's thrown the kryptonite into the ocean, of course.

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