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Jo Kent/Supergirl ([info]maidofmight) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
The men who were advancing on the fallen woman all turn to look at Cindy. All five of the men turn and look at Cindy, having stopped for a moment. Only the man with the green-gemmed necklace seems to regard Cindy with contempt.

"You have made a mistake, little girl." he says, pulling a large and wicked-looking knife from his belt.

"Now you will pay for that mistake." he growls, advancing toward Cindy.

Jo is still a bit weak from the Kryptonite, but she knows she can't let a civilian get hurt for trying to help her. She starts trying to get to her feet before the other criminals can help their boss.

"The rock! Get rid of that green rock!" Jo yells.

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